Futtermittel Ausrüstung Prinzip der magnetischen Trennung und Klassifizierung
Quelle: haosiliao.net Autor : Updated Time : 2013 -08-05
Magnetische Bereinigung
Prinzip : Magnet ist die Verwendung des Einsatzmaterials und der magnetischen Suszeptibilität der Metallverunreinigungen , die Unterschiede der magnetischen Metalle zu entfernen , magnetfolie auto können magnetische Metall mit magnetischen Eigenschaften leicht
Und füttern Getreide und anderen Rohstoffen und sind nicht-magnetischen Material , mit Zuführungs magnetisiert magnetischen Metallverunreinigungen mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Pole einander anziehen und mit dem Einsatzmaterial vermischt
Für magnetische Trennung Ausrüstung Anforderungen sind: feed- magnetischen Metallentfernungsratemuss größer als 95% sein. Magnetische Trennung Gerät , Hauptwerk -Komponenten sind Magnete. Magnete Permanentmagnete und Elektro
Magneten der Punkte. Physikalische erzeugen starke elektromagnetische Kraft , die schwache können separate Verunreinigungen verwendet werden , aber es erfordert Erregerleistung , komplexe Struktur , der Preis ist teuer .
Magnetische Trennung Gerät
(A) einfache magnetische Trennvorrichtung entsprechend der Form des Materials durch den Kanal und auf verschiedene Formen der einfache magnetische Trennung , wie die Rost Magnetabscheider magnetische Rutsche usw. eingestellt .
A, Rost magnetische Vorrichtung durch den Permanentmagnetenmagnetische Gitter , so genannt wegen der Form Gitterrost, wenn das Material durch die Magnetgitterfließt , magnetfolie der Materialfluss in dem magnetischen Metallabrieb gesaugt besteht,
Ein regelmäßig durch manuelle Entfernung , da das Magnetfeld Magnetring , bestehend aus einem begrenzten Umfang, zwei Magnetzentrum Magnet schwachen magnetischen Metallverunreinigungen leicht zu passieren , so dass Verunreinigungen Rate nicht
High, und oft in Reibungszustand Magneten Entmagnetisierung schnelle, kurze Leben ist die Adsorption von Eisen- Ablagerungen auf dem Materialfluss auch behindert. Jedoch ist die magnetische Struktur einfach zu bedienen
Bequem und installieren Sie es oft in Häcksler, Schneidmühlen , etc., in der Zuführöffnung als Ergänzung zu anderen magnetischen Geräten .
B , Rutsche Magnetvorrichtung : es ist leicht, Magnete oder magnetische Separator ist an einer Übernahme installiert , das Material durch den Schacht , wenn die Eisenverunreinigungen sind Magnete saugen , saugen , um die manuelle Reinigung zu erleichtern
Leben der Eisenverunreinigungen , einfach zu installieren und die Fenster zu öffnen, um Luftverlust zu verhindern. Der minimale Neigungswinkel der Schurre Korn 25 Grad bis 30 Grad, wird das Pulver 55 bis 60 Grad, Materialstärke
Grad für Getreide ist 10 ~ 12mm, ist richtig Pulver 5 ~ 7 mm , das Material durch Geschwindigkeit 0,10 ~ 0,12 m / s .
(2) Dauermagnettrommeleinheit
Der innere Zylinder , der äußere Zylinder aus zwei Teilen , nämlich dem Magnetelement des Innenzylinders , mit einer glatten Oberfläche außerhalb des Magneten und Verschleißedelstahlgehäuseund mit dem Außenzylinder mit Stahltür befestigt , Reinigungs
Adsorption von Eisen-Magnet äußeren Röhre , wenn die Tür geöffnet wird, der Magnet an dem äußeren Rohr . Dauerarbeitsrohrfällt das Material von der Einströmdüse des Innenrohrs an der Oberseite der Fläche zu der umgebenden
Verbreiten, dann entlang der Oberfläche der Magnetabdeckung gleiten , die Eisen als die Hauptoberfläche der Barriere durch die Membran, die elastische Innenwand des äußeren Rohres , die Rohrwand und die Anti - Schwerkraft ,
Richtung entlang der magnetischen Feldlinien in der Nähe der Verbleib des Magneten saugen. Nicht-magnetischen Material aus der Abgabeöffnung , eine vollständige Trennung von Materialien und Eisenverunreinigungen , wie angemessene Struktur, Magnet
Starke magnetische Wirkung. Nach der Bestimmung , Eisen Wirkungsgrad von bis zu 99,5%.
(3) Permanentmagnettrommelmagnetscheider
In die Futteraufnahme, Förderdruck Türen, Permanentmagnettrommel, ein Tor, hinter Eisen verschiedene Mund -, Antriebs -und Fahrwerks und anderen Komponenten. Magnetwalze aus rostfreiem Stahlblech und dem äußeren Zylinder gemacht
Halbrunde Kernkomponenten. Arbeit , regulieren den Druck der Tür , das Material entlang des Zufuhrtropfplatte(Neigung 35 Grad) durch die Trommel , ist der Eisenkomplex die Kerngruppe auf der äußeren Oberfläche der Trommel
Suck, und wurde mit dem Außenzylinder rotierenden nicht- magnetischen Zone genommen , Eisen Verschiedenes aus Müll Austrittsöffnung , Flugzeug- Materialien fallen automatisch ohne direkten Kontakt mit dem Magneten , lange Lebensdauer, ohne menschliche
Arbeiter immer sauber, magnetische Wirkung , aber teurer.
(4) vorläufige Reinigung Magnetscheider
Um den Prozess , Hunan Hengyang Korn Depot Vorreinigung der Zylindertrommel Sieb vereinfachen und mischen Verbesserungen permanent magnetischen Trennzeichen für die frühen Qing-Dynastie , Neodym Magneten die nicht nur das Original des einzigen Funktion und
Und verbesserte Kombination , teilen einen Elektromotor und ein Reduktions der Maschine Stromverbrauch , kompakte Bauweise, geringer Platzbedarf, den Betrieb und die Wartung einfacher . Arbeiten , um zu löschen
Li Material von der Einlassströmung rotierenden zylindrischen Schirm, das Material gemischt mit dem großen Trennung wird das Material nach der Trommeloberfläche durch den Permanentmagneten Eisen-Komplex , sauber Materialzufuhr Einlassstrom aus dem Jahres entfernt
In den nächsten Prozess .
MAG SPRING NINGBO ZHENHAI I&E LTD is a leading specialist in dependable and environmental-friendly designing, manufacturing, exporting and importing for various industrial magnets and magnetic products that provide pioneering magnetic solutions for global customers.
magnetische Trennung Gerätetypen und deren Anwendungen
Huineng Netto CBSKC.COM Nachrichten: Derzeit nutzt China vor allem dauerhafte Brocken Hill Magnetit- Erz trocken Magnetabscheider für die Vorauswahl , mit nassen Dauermagnettrommelscheiderzum Schruppen
, Sweep , Auswahl und Tailings -, Sortier- Ausrüstung ist die große , engagierte, effiziente Entwicklung .
Rechts von Permanentmagnet- starken MagneteisenerzStückerze die Vorauswahl trocken Magnetabscheider, magnettrommel magnetische Trennungsanlage in dem Land , um eine umfassende Anwendung zu erhalten. In der groben Zerkleinern , Brechen, Zerkleinern, und in der
Vor dem Schleifen mit Stückerz trocken magnetische Trennung Funktion gemischte Erz Abraum geworfen mehr als 80% , die Erhöhung der Schleifleistung, Verbesserung der Grad der Erz in der Mühle , die Senkung des Energie
Verbrauch. Für die schwach magnetischen Eisenerz trocken Vorauswahl , in den letzten Jahren mit einem starken magnetischen Trennung Ausrüstung statt der Wiederwahl Ausrüstung, so dass vorgewählten Index wurde deutlich verbessert .
Wet Drum Separator ist der ferromagnetischen Haupt Eisenerz Sortiermaschinen , die derzeit auf dem Weg zur Mine , magnetische System-Design , Tank- Körper-Typ , Übertragung und groß, gewidmet
, Hohe Leistungsfähigkeit hat große Fortschritte .
Ferromagnetische Eisenerz Auswahl Ausrüstung China verfügt derzeit über eine geringe Feldstärke multipolaren überbandmagnet Magnetscheider , magnetische Agglomeration Maschine , magnetische Trennsäule , vertikal vibrierende Puls Magnetfeld Magnetscheider , niedrige pulsierende Magnetfeldstärke
Sorter , Niederfeld- Medien Jig Gewicht Maschinen . Ihr gemeinsames Merkmal ist die Verwendung von einem schwachen Magnetfeld und die kombinierten Auswirkungen der Schwerkraft , die magnetischen Einschlüsse in Gangart Prolaps, erhöhen Eisenerzprodukten
Bit , die derzeit niedrigen trommelmagnet FeldmehrpoligenMagnetscheider , magnetische Trennsäule Poly -Maschinen und mehr in der Produktion, die Auswahl -Effekt.
, Sweep , Auswahl und Tailings -, Sortier- Ausrüstung ist die große , engagierte, effiziente Entwicklung .
Rechts von Permanentmagnet- starken MagneteisenerzStückerze die Vorauswahl trocken Magnetabscheider, magnettrommel magnetische Trennungsanlage in dem Land , um eine umfassende Anwendung zu erhalten. In der groben Zerkleinern , Brechen, Zerkleinern, und in der
Vor dem Schleifen mit Stückerz trocken magnetische Trennung Funktion gemischte Erz Abraum geworfen mehr als 80% , die Erhöhung der Schleifleistung, Verbesserung der Grad der Erz in der Mühle , die Senkung des Energie
Verbrauch. Für die schwach magnetischen Eisenerz trocken Vorauswahl , in den letzten Jahren mit einem starken magnetischen Trennung Ausrüstung statt der Wiederwahl Ausrüstung, so dass vorgewählten Index wurde deutlich verbessert .
Wet Drum Separator ist der ferromagnetischen Haupt Eisenerz Sortiermaschinen , die derzeit auf dem Weg zur Mine , magnetische System-Design , Tank- Körper-Typ , Übertragung und groß, gewidmet
, Hohe Leistungsfähigkeit hat große Fortschritte .
Ferromagnetische Eisenerz Auswahl Ausrüstung China verfügt derzeit über eine geringe Feldstärke multipolaren überbandmagnet Magnetscheider , magnetische Agglomeration Maschine , magnetische Trennsäule , vertikal vibrierende Puls Magnetfeld Magnetscheider , niedrige pulsierende Magnetfeldstärke
Sorter , Niederfeld- Medien Jig Gewicht Maschinen . Ihr gemeinsames Merkmal ist die Verwendung von einem schwachen Magnetfeld und die kombinierten Auswirkungen der Schwerkraft , die magnetischen Einschlüsse in Gangart Prolaps, erhöhen Eisenerzprodukten
Bit , die derzeit niedrigen trommelmagnet FeldmehrpoligenMagnetscheider , magnetische Trennsäule Poly -Maschinen und mehr in der Produktion, die Auswahl -Effekt.
Magnetscheider Aufbereitung Ausrüstung
Magnetscheider ( magneticseparator ) Sub- Wahlkreisebene Steuer magnetischen Separator-Technologie
Anforderungen an ein gewisses Maß an Wahlkreis Höhenniveau halten zu niedrig wird die Trennleistung zu
Fruchtfleisch zu hoch ist magnetfilter für flüssigkeiten und einen Überlauf verursachen . Verschiedene Arten von Magnetscheider ,
UnterbezirksebeneSteuer in unterschiedlicher Weise, wie der unteren Reihe von Erz starke magnetische
Induktion Rollenseparator
, Die Installation der Unterbezirksebenedie automatische Steuerung, die von Standanzeiger, Regler und
DurchflussregelgerätKomponente besteht . Nach den Prozessanforderungen , die Verwendung von
Intervallschaltung gegebenen Bereich
Oder Regelwert . Wenn der Flüssigkeitspegel vom Sollwert , der Pegelanzeige Echtzeit-Erkennung
Pegeländerungen ab, passt sich trommelmagnets die Steuerung automatisch an die Erz oder dem Wasser , um auf den richtigen
Unterbezirksebenein Höhe , um eine bessere Trennleistung zu erhalten.
Magnetic Separator Grade Multi - Parameter-Steuerung in den Prozess, die Faktoren , die die Qualität des
Erzes magnetischen Eigenschaften zu dem Erz zu beeinflussen, Stoffdichte , Unterbezirksebene, Magnetscheider
Tachykardie , Flush Wasserfluss , der Abgasstrom und magnetischen Feldstärke von mir. Wie kontinuierliche
elektromagnetische Hoch Magnetabscheider magnetische Trennverfahren ist die Menge an Erz , die Art und Menge
des Interferenz abbauen Haupt
Die Auswirkungen Konzentrat der HauptsteuerparameterGrad Bergeschlammkonzentrationbeobachtet Auswahl ,
Sortierung Plattendrehung und die magnetische Feldstärke , die Beziehung zwischen ihnen ist, dass das
mathematische Modell ,
Und die Verwendung von Multi-Parameter- Steuerungssysteme. Steuersystem auf der Grundlage des ursprünglich,
schöne , nützliche Komponente trommelmagnet des Berge grade, Stoffdichte , um das Erz und anderen Messparametern , die
vorher festgelegten
Mathematisches Modell -Betrieb den entsprechenden Befehle an den entsprechenden Aktor zu steuern , um das Sp
ülwasser Trenn einstellen , Sortieren Platte Rotationsgeschwindigkeit , den Erregerstrom und das magnetische
Dehydration (Grad ) Geräte- Konzentration , so fein , Abraum- Klasse treffen sich Prozessanforderungen .
Anforderungen an ein gewisses Maß an Wahlkreis Höhenniveau halten zu niedrig wird die Trennleistung zu
Fruchtfleisch zu hoch ist magnetfilter für flüssigkeiten und einen Überlauf verursachen . Verschiedene Arten von Magnetscheider ,
UnterbezirksebeneSteuer in unterschiedlicher Weise, wie der unteren Reihe von Erz starke magnetische
Induktion Rollenseparator
, Die Installation der Unterbezirksebenedie automatische Steuerung, die von Standanzeiger, Regler und
DurchflussregelgerätKomponente besteht . Nach den Prozessanforderungen , die Verwendung von
Intervallschaltung gegebenen Bereich
Oder Regelwert . Wenn der Flüssigkeitspegel vom Sollwert , der Pegelanzeige Echtzeit-Erkennung
Pegeländerungen ab, passt sich trommelmagnets die Steuerung automatisch an die Erz oder dem Wasser , um auf den richtigen
Unterbezirksebenein Höhe , um eine bessere Trennleistung zu erhalten.
Magnetic Separator Grade Multi - Parameter-Steuerung in den Prozess, die Faktoren , die die Qualität des
Erzes magnetischen Eigenschaften zu dem Erz zu beeinflussen, Stoffdichte , Unterbezirksebene, Magnetscheider
Tachykardie , Flush Wasserfluss , der Abgasstrom und magnetischen Feldstärke von mir. Wie kontinuierliche
elektromagnetische Hoch Magnetabscheider magnetische Trennverfahren ist die Menge an Erz , die Art und Menge
des Interferenz abbauen Haupt
Die Auswirkungen Konzentrat der HauptsteuerparameterGrad Bergeschlammkonzentrationbeobachtet Auswahl ,
Sortierung Plattendrehung und die magnetische Feldstärke , die Beziehung zwischen ihnen ist, dass das
mathematische Modell ,
Und die Verwendung von Multi-Parameter- Steuerungssysteme. Steuersystem auf der Grundlage des ursprünglich,
schöne , nützliche Komponente trommelmagnet des Berge grade, Stoffdichte , um das Erz und anderen Messparametern , die
vorher festgelegten
Mathematisches Modell -Betrieb den entsprechenden Befehle an den entsprechenden Aktor zu steuern , um das Sp
ülwasser Trenn einstellen , Sortieren Platte Rotationsgeschwindigkeit , den Erregerstrom und das magnetische
Dehydration (Grad ) Geräte- Konzentration , so fein , Abraum- Klasse treffen sich Prozessanforderungen .
der gemeinsame Markt , ein Magnet
1 NdFeB-Magnete
① Eigenschaften und Anwendungen von NdFeB
Eigenschaften: hohe Remanenz , hohe Energie- Produkt , günstig, schlechte Korrosionsbeständigkeit , blockmagnete erfordert in der Regel Platte , die Curie-Temperatur niedrig ist, die Temperaturkoeffizienten.
Anwendung: Hauptsächlich gebrauchte Kraft Polyethylen-Filter , Generatoren , Messgeräte, Magnetplatte , Magnet , Magnetresonanztomographie und anderen Bereichen.
① Alnico Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Nach verschiedenen Verarbeitungstechnologie , die in geschmolzenen und gesinterten Alnico Alnico zwei Kategorien unterteilt ist.
A , Stahlguss -Legierung mit niedrigem Temperaturkoeffizienten , hohe Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit beständig, oxidationsbeständige und stabile Beschäftigung und gut.
Es wird hauptsächlich in der Automobilteile, Mess-, elektro-akustische , elektrische , Luft-und Raumfahrt , Militär , Bildung und anderen Bereichen.
B -Sinterstahlproduktionwird durch das Verfahren der Pulvermetallurgie , geeignet für die Herstellung von komplexen Form, kleine Licht Produkt dünn gemacht .
Weit verbreitet in der Mess- , Kommunikations-, Magnetschalter und eine Vielzahl von Sensoren und anderen Bereichen.
① Eigenschaften von Ferrit magnetkugeln würfel und Anwendung:
Features: Der billigste gute Stabilität , chemische, Remanenz ist niedrig , leicht negative Temperaturalterung .
Verwendung: Weit verbreitet in elektrische Bildung ( Scheibenwischer, Sitzmotoren ) , Automobil , saugen Hintern, Heimtrainer magnetischen und Massagestühle und anderen Bereichen.
① NdFeB Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Eigenschaften: hohe Remanenz , hohe Dichte , hohe Energie- Produkt , hohe Kosten Leistung, einfach, eine Vielzahl von komplexen Formen verarbeiten , alle Größen und die geringe Größe des Produkts, Oberflächenbeschichtung oder elektrische
Plating Korrosionsbeständigkeit ist gering.
Verwendung: vor allem in der Bürotechnik , elektrische Maschinen, Tagungstechnik , Mess-, Kleinmotor -und Messmaschinen , Spiele, CD-ROM , DVD-ROM verwendet
Bewegen Sie den Antriebsmotor HDD Spindelmotor , Gleichstrommotoren und andere Mikro Automation Mess-und anderen Bereichen.
① Bonded SmCo Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Eigenschaften: hohe Präzision nicht nur gebundenen Magneten , Merkmale der verschiedenen Formen und Größen , sondern hat auch starke Korrosionsbeständigkeit und kann keine Oberflächenbehandlung und stabile Temperatur
Anwendungen: Computer und Bürotechnik : HDD , CD, Motorspindel der DVD-ROM, Drucker, Faxgeräte , Schrittmotoren, usw., in der Automobilbranche : . Starter feste Adresse
Booster -Motoren , automatische Engine-Fenster Sitzverstellung -Motor, Drehzahlsensoren , usw. , Elektrogeräte und Uhren, Schrittmotoren, Luft , Kameras , Maschinenraum
Und so weiter.
① Injektion Magnetfunktionen und Anwendungen:
A, Injection NdFeB
Features: sowohl Stahl und Flexibilität kann in dünne Ringe , Stäbe , Bleche und verschiedene Sonderformen komplexer , so dass Magnete und andere Metalleinsätze ( Zahnräder , Schrauben verarbeitet werden ,
Förmige Löcher , etc.) bilden , weniger anfällig für Bruch , Bruch , ohne Schneiden Magnet und eine andere Maschine , Produkt-Performance , hohe Ausbeute, nach Formtoleranzenund hohe Präzision, glatte Oberfläche ;
Gute Einheitlichkeit in dem Magneten , wobei das Magnetfeld von der Oberfläche und eine gute Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion.
Anwendung: vor allem gebrauchte Sensor , bürstenlosen Motor , elektronische Gaspedal Auto, das Armaturenbrett , Armaturenbrett eines Autos, Automobildrehzahlmesser, Tankanzeige und anderen Bereichen.
B , Injektion SmCo
Features: Es kann eine neodym magnet n52 Form komplexe Formen eingelegt Welle oder Hülse so zu erreichen, die Reduzierung der Montageprozesse , zur Verbesserung der Montagegenauigkeit Mit einem starken Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Im allgemeinen Oberflächenbehandlung und Hochtemperaturstabilität .
Anwendungen: besonders geeignet für die Automobil- , Kopierer und andere Präzisionsmaschinen , es gibt viele Bedürfnisse in der Hochtemperatur , hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit in der magnetischen Induktion Instrument sollte dieses Produkt verwenden .
C , Injektion Ferrit
Features: Kunststoffspritzguss NdFeB magnetischen Ferrit-Magneten im Vergleich mit niedrigen, aber der Preis ist billiger.
Anwendung: geeignet für Sensoren, komplexen Form , Magnetmotoren benötigen relativ geringeren Produkten.
① Gummimagnet Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Vor allem in homosexuellen und heterosexuellen magnetischen magnetischen Gummi Gummi zwei Kategorien unterteilt.
Eigenschaften: kostengünstig, leicht zu verarbeiten und leicht Entmagnetisierung mit hoher Maßhaltigkeit und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Anwendung: Gummimagnet Magnet schwache Geschlecht , die vor allem im Kühlschrank magnetischen Aufkleber , Druckerzeugnisse und WerbequelleKategorie Gegenmagnetgummimit hohen magnetischen Eigenschaften verwendet wird , die .
Weit verbreitet in der Mikro-Motoren und Magnetspielzeug und anderen Bereichen.
1 NdFeB-Magnete
① Eigenschaften und Anwendungen von NdFeB
Eigenschaften: hohe Remanenz , hohe Energie- Produkt , günstig, schlechte Korrosionsbeständigkeit , blockmagnete erfordert in der Regel Platte , die Curie-Temperatur niedrig ist, die Temperaturkoeffizienten.
Anwendung: Hauptsächlich gebrauchte Kraft Polyethylen-Filter , Generatoren , Messgeräte, Magnetplatte , Magnet , Magnetresonanztomographie und anderen Bereichen.
① Alnico Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Nach verschiedenen Verarbeitungstechnologie , die in geschmolzenen und gesinterten Alnico Alnico zwei Kategorien unterteilt ist.
A , Stahlguss -Legierung mit niedrigem Temperaturkoeffizienten , hohe Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit beständig, oxidationsbeständige und stabile Beschäftigung und gut.
Es wird hauptsächlich in der Automobilteile, Mess-, elektro-akustische , elektrische , Luft-und Raumfahrt , Militär , Bildung und anderen Bereichen.
B -Sinterstahlproduktionwird durch das Verfahren der Pulvermetallurgie , geeignet für die Herstellung von komplexen Form, kleine Licht Produkt dünn gemacht .
Weit verbreitet in der Mess- , Kommunikations-, Magnetschalter und eine Vielzahl von Sensoren und anderen Bereichen.
① Eigenschaften von Ferrit magnetkugeln würfel und Anwendung:
Features: Der billigste gute Stabilität , chemische, Remanenz ist niedrig , leicht negative Temperaturalterung .
Verwendung: Weit verbreitet in elektrische Bildung ( Scheibenwischer, Sitzmotoren ) , Automobil , saugen Hintern, Heimtrainer magnetischen und Massagestühle und anderen Bereichen.
① NdFeB Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Eigenschaften: hohe Remanenz , hohe Dichte , hohe Energie- Produkt , hohe Kosten Leistung, einfach, eine Vielzahl von komplexen Formen verarbeiten , alle Größen und die geringe Größe des Produkts, Oberflächenbeschichtung oder elektrische
Plating Korrosionsbeständigkeit ist gering.
Verwendung: vor allem in der Bürotechnik , elektrische Maschinen, Tagungstechnik , Mess-, Kleinmotor -und Messmaschinen , Spiele, CD-ROM , DVD-ROM verwendet
Bewegen Sie den Antriebsmotor HDD Spindelmotor , Gleichstrommotoren und andere Mikro Automation Mess-und anderen Bereichen.
① Bonded SmCo Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Eigenschaften: hohe Präzision nicht nur gebundenen Magneten , Merkmale der verschiedenen Formen und Größen , sondern hat auch starke Korrosionsbeständigkeit und kann keine Oberflächenbehandlung und stabile Temperatur
Anwendungen: Computer und Bürotechnik : HDD , CD, Motorspindel der DVD-ROM, Drucker, Faxgeräte , Schrittmotoren, usw., in der Automobilbranche : . Starter feste Adresse
Booster -Motoren , automatische Engine-Fenster Sitzverstellung -Motor, Drehzahlsensoren , usw. , Elektrogeräte und Uhren, Schrittmotoren, Luft , Kameras , Maschinenraum
Und so weiter.
① Injektion Magnetfunktionen und Anwendungen:
A, Injection NdFeB
Features: sowohl Stahl und Flexibilität kann in dünne Ringe , Stäbe , Bleche und verschiedene Sonderformen komplexer , so dass Magnete und andere Metalleinsätze ( Zahnräder , Schrauben verarbeitet werden ,
Förmige Löcher , etc.) bilden , weniger anfällig für Bruch , Bruch , ohne Schneiden Magnet und eine andere Maschine , Produkt-Performance , hohe Ausbeute, nach Formtoleranzenund hohe Präzision, glatte Oberfläche ;
Gute Einheitlichkeit in dem Magneten , wobei das Magnetfeld von der Oberfläche und eine gute Beständigkeit gegen Korrosion.
Anwendung: vor allem gebrauchte Sensor , bürstenlosen Motor , elektronische Gaspedal Auto, das Armaturenbrett , Armaturenbrett eines Autos, Automobildrehzahlmesser, Tankanzeige und anderen Bereichen.
B , Injektion SmCo
Features: Es kann eine neodym magnet n52 Form komplexe Formen eingelegt Welle oder Hülse so zu erreichen, die Reduzierung der Montageprozesse , zur Verbesserung der Montagegenauigkeit Mit einem starken Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Im allgemeinen Oberflächenbehandlung und Hochtemperaturstabilität .
Anwendungen: besonders geeignet für die Automobil- , Kopierer und andere Präzisionsmaschinen , es gibt viele Bedürfnisse in der Hochtemperatur , hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit in der magnetischen Induktion Instrument sollte dieses Produkt verwenden .
C , Injektion Ferrit
Features: Kunststoffspritzguss NdFeB magnetischen Ferrit-Magneten im Vergleich mit niedrigen, aber der Preis ist billiger.
Anwendung: geeignet für Sensoren, komplexen Form , Magnetmotoren benötigen relativ geringeren Produkten.
① Gummimagnet Funktionen und Anwendungen :
Vor allem in homosexuellen und heterosexuellen magnetischen magnetischen Gummi Gummi zwei Kategorien unterteilt.
Eigenschaften: kostengünstig, leicht zu verarbeiten und leicht Entmagnetisierung mit hoher Maßhaltigkeit und Korrosionsbeständigkeit.
Anwendung: Gummimagnet Magnet schwache Geschlecht , die vor allem im Kühlschrank magnetischen Aufkleber , Druckerzeugnisse und WerbequelleKategorie Gegenmagnetgummimit hohen magnetischen Eigenschaften verwendet wird , die .
Weit verbreitet in der Mikro-Motoren und Magnetspielzeug und anderen Bereichen.
Adaptation: magnetic filter rods
Adaptation: magnetic filter rods (magnet) mainly used to remove powder, granular and liquid or slurry ferromagnetic impurities, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection , pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
Product description and schematic manner magnet
Magnetic filter rods (magnet) mainly used to remove powder, granular and liquid or slurry ferromagnetic impurities, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection, paint, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
How it works:
Magnet is made of high quality stainless steel and high alloy NdFeB rare earth B values, and using a special production method is made. The holder can be combined in forming the cylindrical magnets filter. When the ferrous material through when attracted by the magnetic bar, a substance containing iron magnet firmly adsorbed on the wall, in order to ensure the integrity of equipment and product safety.
Product Features:
No energy, no pollution, can be installed on the production line can be anywhere in contact with the material, space-saving, easy installation, as a magnet NdFeB rare earth alloy magnetic source, strong magnetic force, simple structure, long life, specification style can be in accordance with customer requirements and production scene arbitrarily change the custom.
Product description and schematic manner magnet
Magnetic filter rods (magnet) mainly used to remove powder, granular and liquid or slurry ferromagnetic impurities, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical, food, environmental protection, paint, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
How it works:
Magnet is made of high quality stainless steel and high alloy NdFeB rare earth B values, and using a special production method is made. The holder can be combined in forming the cylindrical magnets filter. When the ferrous material through when attracted by the magnetic bar, a substance containing iron magnet firmly adsorbed on the wall, in order to ensure the integrity of equipment and product safety.
Product Features:
No energy, no pollution, can be installed on the production line can be anywhere in contact with the material, space-saving, easy installation, as a magnet NdFeB rare earth alloy magnetic source, strong magnetic force, simple structure, long life, specification style can be in accordance with customer requirements and production scene arbitrarily change the custom.
A drum-type magnetic separator
Magnetic separator can effectively remove the cooling fluid in the iron, consumes no filter. Easy to install, can be used with other forms such as the filter drum (drum) paper filter, flat comb paper filter, vacuum-type paper filter used in combination. Magnetic separator can be used according to customer requirements ferrite magnets, NdFeB or Alnico. Magnetic separator housing made of high quality materials, depending on the circumstances of carbon steel or stainless steel. Magnetic Separator Application: widely used in grinding coolant adsorption separation of impurities. In the painting, phosphating, cold and other industries have also been applied. Particularly suitable for CNC machine, EDM machine, polishing machine, Magnetic Rods gear cutting machines, grinders and other produce in the process of cooling liquid iron particles using the occasion. Magnetic Separator role: coolant consumption can be reduced so that the cooling pump, tool life increased. Workpiece surface quality Ra value can be increased by 30% for work, impurities easy to discharge machine maintenance time reduced by 50% Easy to install and no consumption of magnetic separator filter Main features: ● According to impurities in the coolant and oil situation morphological optional roller and comb-type magnetic separator magnetic separator ● roller type magnetic separator according to site specific conditions and an optional built-in motor ● To facilitate external adsorbed on the surface of the magnetic impurities fully falling, cot inner magnet type magnetic separator by a strong magnetic force can be designed into the structure of the fade, only the outer cylinder turn, reduce power consumption, energy saving significant. ● magnetic type comb Tooth type magnetic separator surface plus optional scraper conveyor mechanism and hydraulic flushing device to completely eliminate impurities, debris deposited solve the problem; For better drained moisture, comb-type magnetic separator level control switch also optionally add or time relay to make the gear motor intermittent operation ● For the convenience of customers using a magnetic separator into the water can be designed to last into the water or back into the water, the water can be designed around and under the water ● magnetic separator standalone traffic from 25 l / assigned to 4500 liters / min ● Three-phase geared motor voltage is 380 or 220 volts, geared motor according to user requirements placed on the right or left side ● PLC automatic control and manual control in two ways
Drum - the use and protection
Drum is a key component of the camera, and the drum performance has a direct impact on the quality of the image after recording, so we use it to pay attention to protect. The drum has a head designed to detect the rotational phase of the PG video signal magnetic tip and a rotor mounted on the outer cylindrical surface of the drum motor of the two magnets of opposite polarity, and when the head and the magnet is damaged or bad, PG head available mono recorder instead of the recording head; magnet magnet can be used instead of (with tape glue). But pay attention to the polarity of the magnet to match; distance and position the head to the right.
In order to Magnetic Rods extend the service life of the drum, we have to do:
First, do not use in dusty places great camera.
Second, do not try to touch the drum surface, or is likely to cause damage to the head.
Third, we want to use the manufacturer's recommended use of the cleaning cartridge.
Fourth, the inferior surface of the tape on the head in terms of like a sandpaper, and old tape dropouts can cause serious head clogging, so we do not use inferior and obsolete tape.
Going out shooting, drum jams are likely to occur, in general we can through the following methods to clean the dirt on the drum.
First, the normal processing mode. We can make the camera enters playback status, remove the tape and put into cleaning tape, then press the playback button, about ten seconds or so cleaning can be, this is a more thorough cleaning method.
Second, the simple approach. When using this method, we must first stop the camera into playback mode, press PLAY playback button, then press REW quick search key, so that the relative speed of the drum with the highest tape, lasted about 15-20 seconds. and then back to the camera state, to find just the end of the recording, then we can continue a normal camera. Often this method is suitable for tape is relatively new and usually very careful to use the machine's environment.
Third, other magnetic name tag treatment methods. When out of the house forgot and easy handling and cleaning does not work, we can get a new tape into the cassette in the camera state to open menus to adjust to the LP mode, then remove the menu, press the camera button camera, About 10-30 minutes later and the machine can be a normal camera up. When the checks have been after a good cleaning, but also to re-adjust to the SP mode in order to get a better film quality.
In order to Magnetic Rods extend the service life of the drum, we have to do:
First, do not use in dusty places great camera.
Second, do not try to touch the drum surface, or is likely to cause damage to the head.
Third, we want to use the manufacturer's recommended use of the cleaning cartridge.
Fourth, the inferior surface of the tape on the head in terms of like a sandpaper, and old tape dropouts can cause serious head clogging, so we do not use inferior and obsolete tape.
Going out shooting, drum jams are likely to occur, in general we can through the following methods to clean the dirt on the drum.
First, the normal processing mode. We can make the camera enters playback status, remove the tape and put into cleaning tape, then press the playback button, about ten seconds or so cleaning can be, this is a more thorough cleaning method.
Second, the simple approach. When using this method, we must first stop the camera into playback mode, press PLAY playback button, then press REW quick search key, so that the relative speed of the drum with the highest tape, lasted about 15-20 seconds. and then back to the camera state, to find just the end of the recording, then we can continue a normal camera. Often this method is suitable for tape is relatively new and usually very careful to use the machine's environment.
Third, other magnetic name tag treatment methods. When out of the house forgot and easy handling and cleaning does not work, we can get a new tape into the cassette in the camera state to open menus to adjust to the LP mode, then remove the menu, press the camera button camera, About 10-30 minutes later and the machine can be a normal camera up. When the checks have been after a good cleaning, but also to re-adjust to the SP mode in order to get a better film quality.
AC solenoids and DC solenoids issues
Rely on electromagnetic suction of two alternating magnetic field formed by superposition of a DC component of magnetic force to do work, and therefore inefficient, bulky core, coil and high energy consumption;
Low power factor, the coil current, severe fever, is a waste of energy and premature aging of the coil, damaged;
When the armature mechanical inlay cards, or overloaded, or low-voltage operation Dry Magnetic Separator with load difficulties, the coil will burn;
There frequency vibration noise. For the contactor, this vibration can lead to low voltage arcing contacts, contact burning, reduce product reliability and service life
Coil current, leading to bulky coils, causing the core bulky waste huge copper iron.
☆ ☆ ☆ DC solenoid
The whole process due to solenoid coil current is constant, so that more than 95% protection status of the energy is wasted energy is wasted for the heating coil, the coil hair
drum separator Hot and premature aging, damaged;
To reduce the heating coil, the coil wire diameter forced to increase, resulting in a huge waste of copper;
Coil volume increases, making the core volume increases, resulting in a huge waste of steel;
Low power factor, the coil current, severe fever, is a waste of energy and premature aging of the coil, damaged;
When the armature mechanical inlay cards, or overloaded, or low-voltage operation Dry Magnetic Separator with load difficulties, the coil will burn;
There frequency vibration noise. For the contactor, this vibration can lead to low voltage arcing contacts, contact burning, reduce product reliability and service life
Coil current, leading to bulky coils, causing the core bulky waste huge copper iron.
☆ ☆ ☆ DC solenoid
The whole process due to solenoid coil current is constant, so that more than 95% protection status of the energy is wasted energy is wasted for the heating coil, the coil hair
drum separator Hot and premature aging, damaged;
To reduce the heating coil, the coil wire diameter forced to increase, resulting in a huge waste of copper;
Coil volume increases, making the core volume increases, resulting in a huge waste of steel;
superconducting materials with DC solenoid problem
Resistivity of superconducting materials is almost zero, the resistivity of copper enameled copper resistivity. At room temperature, but can not make any conductors of a superconducting material, as
Temperature superconductors is usually -327 °.
Or want to increase the magnetic force of the electromagnet, it must have a greater current power, a sufficient number of turns of the electromagnetic coil and a sufficiently large U-shaped core
, Magnetic Grate The specific needs complex calculations to calculate primary and secondary school is in an ideal condition, so the actual operation of a large deviation. Simply put, the line
The number of turns is proportional to the current size and magnetic, but too many turns, and the current will decrease, and this requires a large wire size (reduce the resistance, increasing current)
Increased diameter will increase the weight and volume, while providing enough power to a DC power supply. Various factors spurred the discovery and invention of the superconductor. magnetic bar But the super-
Conductor is an amateur can not be achieved under the conditions.
Temperature superconductors is usually -327 °.
Or want to increase the magnetic force of the electromagnet, it must have a greater current power, a sufficient number of turns of the electromagnetic coil and a sufficiently large U-shaped core
, Magnetic Grate The specific needs complex calculations to calculate primary and secondary school is in an ideal condition, so the actual operation of a large deviation. Simply put, the line
The number of turns is proportional to the current size and magnetic, but too many turns, and the current will decrease, and this requires a large wire size (reduce the resistance, increasing current)
Increased diameter will increase the weight and volume, while providing enough power to a DC power supply. Various factors spurred the discovery and invention of the superconductor. magnetic bar But the super-
Conductor is an amateur can not be achieved under the conditions.
lifting electromagnet features:
1, using the fully sealed structure, moisture-proof performance.
2, the computer optimized design, reasonable structure, light weight, suction, low energy consumption.
3, the excitation coil special treatment process to improve the coil electrical and mechanical properties, Magnetic Grates thermal insulation material level to C-level, long service life.
4, ordinary type solenoid rated power sustained rate over the last 50% to 60%, increased efficiency in the use of the electromagnet.
5, ultra-high temperature insulation electromagnet uses a unique way, the temperature of which is drawn from the past 600 degrees to 700 degrees, the extension of the scope of the electromagnet.
6, the installation, operation, maintenance simple.
2, the computer optimized design, reasonable structure, light weight, suction, low energy consumption.
3, the excitation coil special treatment process to improve the coil electrical and mechanical properties, Magnetic Grates thermal insulation material level to C-level, long service life.
4, ordinary type solenoid rated power sustained rate over the last 50% to 60%, increased efficiency in the use of the electromagnet.
5, ultra-high temperature insulation electromagnet uses a unique way, the temperature of which is drawn from the past 600 degrees to 700 degrees, the extension of the scope of the electromagnet.
6, the installation, operation, maintenance simple.
magnetic rods conditions of use:
Magnetic rods can effectively removing iron pole dense, large contact area, magnetic super. In addition to iron container, can be customized according to user requirements process. A good magnetic rods should
The spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines to achieve uniform distribution of the maximum points possible magnetic induction magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general movement of the product is placed on the transmission line, the magnetic
Boomerang surfaces Magnetic Grates should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using
Magnetic sheets of different thickness can be different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in regular
Regulations ∮ 25 magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets. High temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees
Samarium cobalt magnet above the general choice.
The spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines to achieve uniform distribution of the maximum points possible magnetic induction magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general movement of the product is placed on the transmission line, the magnetic
Boomerang surfaces Magnetic Grates should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using
Magnetic sheets of different thickness can be different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in regular
Regulations ∮ 25 magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets. High temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees
Samarium cobalt magnet above the general choice.
permanent magnet drum magnetic separator - Structure
Permanent magnet drum magnetic separator mainly composed of cylinder, roller, brush roller, magnetic system, tank, transmission parts 6 parts. Cylinder by a 2-3mm stainless steel plate welded into a tube, the end
Cover of cast aluminum parts or workpieces are connected with stainless steel screws and barrel. Motor through reducer or directly with the stepless speed motor, drive cylinder, magnetic roller and brush roll for back transfer
Action.Magnetic Grate is an open magnetic system, installed in the cylinder and exposed full magnetic. Magnetic block with stainless steel bolts mounted on the bottom plate of the yoke, the yoke of the shaft extension tube, the solid shaft
Given a crank arm. Pulling the crank arm can be adjusted declination magnetic system, can be used after appropriate adjustment lever fixed. The working area of the tank with a stainless steel plate rack and slot body
Other parts with ordinary steel welding.
Magnetic separator magnetic pole magnetic system with five parts, each composed of ferrite and NdFeB permanent magnet pole pieces bonded together with a screw through the center hole fixed magnetic block magnetic guides
, The magnetic guide plate through the axis of the cylinder bracket, magnetic system fixed, the cylinder rotation. Magnetic poles alternately arranged along the circumference, in the axial direction of the same polarity. Set in the magnetic system
Out of non-magnetic material is made of stainless steel drum using a non-magnetic material in order to avoid magnetic field lines can enter the cylinder through the selected partition and the cylinder forming a magnetic
Short circuit. Tank near the site of the magnetic system should also be non-magnetic material, and the remaining use of ordinary steel or rigid plastic panels. For example Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery permanent magnet drum magnetic separator
Machine has a simple structure, Magnetic Rods reliable operation, saving power consumption, suitable for on-site, etc., it is widely applied.
Cover of cast aluminum parts or workpieces are connected with stainless steel screws and barrel. Motor through reducer or directly with the stepless speed motor, drive cylinder, magnetic roller and brush roll for back transfer
Action.Magnetic Grate is an open magnetic system, installed in the cylinder and exposed full magnetic. Magnetic block with stainless steel bolts mounted on the bottom plate of the yoke, the yoke of the shaft extension tube, the solid shaft
Given a crank arm. Pulling the crank arm can be adjusted declination magnetic system, can be used after appropriate adjustment lever fixed. The working area of the tank with a stainless steel plate rack and slot body
Other parts with ordinary steel welding.
Magnetic separator magnetic pole magnetic system with five parts, each composed of ferrite and NdFeB permanent magnet pole pieces bonded together with a screw through the center hole fixed magnetic block magnetic guides
, The magnetic guide plate through the axis of the cylinder bracket, magnetic system fixed, the cylinder rotation. Magnetic poles alternately arranged along the circumference, in the axial direction of the same polarity. Set in the magnetic system
Out of non-magnetic material is made of stainless steel drum using a non-magnetic material in order to avoid magnetic field lines can enter the cylinder through the selected partition and the cylinder forming a magnetic
Short circuit. Tank near the site of the magnetic system should also be non-magnetic material, and the remaining use of ordinary steel or rigid plastic panels. For example Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery permanent magnet drum magnetic separator
Machine has a simple structure, Magnetic Rods reliable operation, saving power consumption, suitable for on-site, etc., it is widely applied.
permanent magnet drum magnetic separator - installation and maintenance
Maintenance of the machine is an extremely important regular work, it should be extremely closely with operations and maintenance, etc., should be seized on duty full-time staff
Machine maintenance:
1, the bearing
Crusher bearing shoulder the entire load of the machine, so good lubrication for the bearing life of a great relationship, it directly affects the life of the machine and transport
Transfer rate, which cylindrical magnets requires injection of lubricating oil must be clean, seal must be good, the machine main oiling Office (1) Turn the bearing (2) roller bearing (3) all teeth
Wheel (4) activities bearing, sliding plane.
2, the newly installed tires prone to loosening must always be checked.
3, pay attention to all parts of the machine is working properly.
4, pay attention to check the wear parts wear, and pay attention to replacement of worn parts.
5, put the event the device chassis plane should go out dust and other materials in order to avoid the machine encounters can not be broken material activities bearings can not move on the bottom shelf, so as to cause
Serious accidents.
6, the bearing temperature rise, the reasons should be eliminated immediately stopped and checked.
7, turning gears in operation should be immediately stopped if the impact of the sound check and eliminate
8, to maintain good lubrication. Sufficient open gear lubricants, bearing cover hole injection, should oiling once every three months.
9, always check cylinder wear layer of loose or falling decapitated Department should be repaired in repair breakage at the tape and the cylinder surface application of sandpaper hit the net,
Then glue prison No. 88, the best and then wire connected together to prevent further off.
10, should be removed pulp bulk magnetic blocks or welding head or something like that, so when the amount of hours to the mine, these things do not come up with, will soon wear out the drum skin.
Profile cylinder iron, through the ends of the parking available observation hole inspection.
11, to the mine before driving water supply, parking in front, the first stop to the mining.
When used for some time the need to disassemble inspection, the first with a small shaft bearing removed, so that it will reveal a small shaft head, with a suitable pipe with diameter
Trap small shaft head, put it on the sleepers, loosen cap screws and remove the cover, to move to one end of the cylinder, magnetic system that is exposed.
Check the bearing is intact, magnets have been damaged, the barrel if there are other things. Need to wet separator replace magnetic blocks, note the pole can not be installed backwards. Each magnet has N
, S two-level, with a string tied down and lift a magnet will find that there is a face always points to the Earth's South Pole, this class is the S-class, the other is N-level
, Make a mark in order to check this bad magnet magnet prevail, according to sex repulsion, opposites attract truth, which determine the level of damage, generally on top of the oblique magnetic
Block is easily damaged. Bad blocks need to be replaced. If the magnet is just cracked without missing pieces, hand and no spare magnetic blocks, magnetic blocks can be surface washed with alcohol or acetone
Net, after continued use with epoxy glue.
Installation commissioning
1, the device should be installed on a level concrete foundation with anchor bolts.
2, the installation should pay attention to the vertical and horizontal main body.
3, after the installation check for loose bolts and various parts of the doors hosts are tightened, if requested to tighten.
4, according to the device configuration of power supply lines and control switches.
5, the inspection is completed, the empty load test, test the normal production.
Machine maintenance:
1, the bearing
Crusher bearing shoulder the entire load of the machine, so good lubrication for the bearing life of a great relationship, it directly affects the life of the machine and transport
Transfer rate, which cylindrical magnets requires injection of lubricating oil must be clean, seal must be good, the machine main oiling Office (1) Turn the bearing (2) roller bearing (3) all teeth
Wheel (4) activities bearing, sliding plane.
2, the newly installed tires prone to loosening must always be checked.
3, pay attention to all parts of the machine is working properly.
4, pay attention to check the wear parts wear, and pay attention to replacement of worn parts.
5, put the event the device chassis plane should go out dust and other materials in order to avoid the machine encounters can not be broken material activities bearings can not move on the bottom shelf, so as to cause
Serious accidents.
6, the bearing temperature rise, the reasons should be eliminated immediately stopped and checked.
7, turning gears in operation should be immediately stopped if the impact of the sound check and eliminate
8, to maintain good lubrication. Sufficient open gear lubricants, bearing cover hole injection, should oiling once every three months.
9, always check cylinder wear layer of loose or falling decapitated Department should be repaired in repair breakage at the tape and the cylinder surface application of sandpaper hit the net,
Then glue prison No. 88, the best and then wire connected together to prevent further off.
10, should be removed pulp bulk magnetic blocks or welding head or something like that, so when the amount of hours to the mine, these things do not come up with, will soon wear out the drum skin.
Profile cylinder iron, through the ends of the parking available observation hole inspection.
11, to the mine before driving water supply, parking in front, the first stop to the mining.
When used for some time the need to disassemble inspection, the first with a small shaft bearing removed, so that it will reveal a small shaft head, with a suitable pipe with diameter
Trap small shaft head, put it on the sleepers, loosen cap screws and remove the cover, to move to one end of the cylinder, magnetic system that is exposed.
Check the bearing is intact, magnets have been damaged, the barrel if there are other things. Need to wet separator replace magnetic blocks, note the pole can not be installed backwards. Each magnet has N
, S two-level, with a string tied down and lift a magnet will find that there is a face always points to the Earth's South Pole, this class is the S-class, the other is N-level
, Make a mark in order to check this bad magnet magnet prevail, according to sex repulsion, opposites attract truth, which determine the level of damage, generally on top of the oblique magnetic
Block is easily damaged. Bad blocks need to be replaced. If the magnet is just cracked without missing pieces, hand and no spare magnetic blocks, magnetic blocks can be surface washed with alcohol or acetone
Net, after continued use with epoxy glue.
Installation commissioning
1, the device should be installed on a level concrete foundation with anchor bolts.
2, the installation should pay attention to the vertical and horizontal main body.
3, after the installation check for loose bolts and various parts of the doors hosts are tightened, if requested to tighten.
4, according to the device configuration of power supply lines and control switches.
5, the inspection is completed, the empty load test, test the normal production.
permanent lifting of the four characteristics
A high performance permanent magnetic materials, no demagnetization;
(2) work without electricity or other power support;
3 advanced scientific drum separator balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable;
4 Maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
Permanent lifting compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
(2) work without electricity or other power support;
3 advanced scientific drum separator balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable;
4 Maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
Permanent lifting compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
permanent lifting of the features
permanent lifting of the features:
Also known as permanent lifting magnet lifter, magnetic crane, magnetic lifter, lifting magnets, permanent lifting magnet, permanent magnets.
1, compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
2, high-performance magnetic name tags permanent magnetic materials, demagnetization.
3, work without electricity or other power support.
4, the maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
5, advanced scientific magnetic balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable.
Also known as permanent lifting magnet lifter, magnetic crane, magnetic lifter, lifting magnets, permanent lifting magnet, permanent magnets.
1, compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
2, high-performance magnetic name tags permanent magnetic materials, demagnetization.
3, work without electricity or other power support.
4, the maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
5, advanced scientific magnetic balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable.
drum magnetic separator - Classification
Magnetic separator can be divided into low magnetic field intensity magnetic separator, the magnetic separator, high magnetic separator; generating a magnetic field in accordance with a method can be divided into electromagnetic and permanent magnetic separator
Magnetic separator; accordance with the structure can be divided into different disc, drum, roller, ring, drum, transfer cage and belt magnetic separator; sorting methods can be divided by the dry and wet
Magnetic separator.
Can be divided into suspension magnets downstream magnetic separator and semi-countercurrent separator:
Downstream permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, the slurry moving direction or the direction of rotation of the cylindrical products moving in the same direction. Slurry from the tank to the mine directly into the cylinder below the magnetic system
Non-magnetic mineral particles and the magnetic mineral particles weak bottom by a cylindrical gap between the bottom two discharge. Magnetic mineral particles stick on the cylinder surface, the cylinder rotates together with the magnetic
Department at the edge of the magnetic field is weak, the mine water discharge be landed to concentrate tank. Downstream magnetic machine structure is simple, processing capacity, can be used more than one series, suitable for
Choice of granularity is 6 ~ 0mm strong magnetic ore coarse roughing and operations, or for the recovery of the magnetic heavy media. Semi-countercurrent permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, to ore slurry is
A loosely suspended from the bottom of the tank into the separation space, pulp movement direction and the direction of the magnetic force is basically the same, so the mineral particles can reach very high magnetic forces round
Cylinder surface. N52 magnet In addition, the tailings from the tailings discharge hole on the bottom, so that the height of the overflow surface can be maintained in the slurry tank level. The above two features, must
Given half a counterflow separator to receive a higher quality of concentrate and metal recovery. It is widely and to handle micro-fine (less than 0.2mm) thick ferromagnetic ore
Selection and selection operations. This separator can be more than one series, and raise the concentrate grade.
Magnetic separator; accordance with the structure can be divided into different disc, drum, roller, ring, drum, transfer cage and belt magnetic separator; sorting methods can be divided by the dry and wet
Magnetic separator.
Can be divided into suspension magnets downstream magnetic separator and semi-countercurrent separator:
Downstream permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, the slurry moving direction or the direction of rotation of the cylindrical products moving in the same direction. Slurry from the tank to the mine directly into the cylinder below the magnetic system
Non-magnetic mineral particles and the magnetic mineral particles weak bottom by a cylindrical gap between the bottom two discharge. Magnetic mineral particles stick on the cylinder surface, the cylinder rotates together with the magnetic
Department at the edge of the magnetic field is weak, the mine water discharge be landed to concentrate tank. Downstream magnetic machine structure is simple, processing capacity, can be used more than one series, suitable for
Choice of granularity is 6 ~ 0mm strong magnetic ore coarse roughing and operations, or for the recovery of the magnetic heavy media. Semi-countercurrent permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, to ore slurry is
A loosely suspended from the bottom of the tank into the separation space, pulp movement direction and the direction of the magnetic force is basically the same, so the mineral particles can reach very high magnetic forces round
Cylinder surface. N52 magnet In addition, the tailings from the tailings discharge hole on the bottom, so that the height of the overflow surface can be maintained in the slurry tank level. The above two features, must
Given half a counterflow separator to receive a higher quality of concentrate and metal recovery. It is widely and to handle micro-fine (less than 0.2mm) thick ferromagnetic ore
Selection and selection operations. This separator can be more than one series, and raise the concentrate grade.
the protection of dry magnetic separation machine, replacing the screen trilogy
In constant exploration, dry magnetic separator has been rapid development, but also faces competition within the industry, in today's sluggish economy, and only through innovation development
To occupy a foothold in the market, we can achieve good survival and development. Magnetic mechanical processing equipment machinery has been committed to research in this market
A large market value, Grate Magnet has its own characteristics, but he also continues to develop, innovation. Only continue to move forward, in order for the enterprise
Fresh blood in the footsteps of history in order to Liu Yong Jin. Dry magnetic separator in terms of quality there is still much room for improvement, processing equipment Industrial is committed to creating belong
Own brand, to create a consumer of good equipment, but also the only way to make their own continued to mature.
As we all know, processing equipment installed inside mesh according to various models for all sorts of different machines all have different roles, so the choice is one thousand poor Wan
Do not have different, then select its characteristics and skills above, you have captivated focus. The most common mistakes novice is to pick a mesh accessory, only
Is simply based on the price to buy the equipment to consider, that the high price is good, but does not know the right is the best.
Moreover, the high price of the screen, where although the quality is quite good, but optimization of production costs, but the effect is not high, there is inappropriate sieve
Network, will cause difficult to repair, the worse thing is the change down again is not installed, can not be used more because of inappropriate waste. This is the whole question of mineral processing equipment
Questions, then specific to the separator above it? Industry today will explain it for everyone here, but still want to separate, magnetic separator today highlight some issues, application
In the separator on the screen, replacing the need to pay attention to three requirements, they are:
First, when the dry magnetic separator sieve after the problem has occurred, this side has produced mineral aggregate, must be separated again, because it may at their request
Did not pass, and if simply select it gone, and will definitely cause problems. Second, if you want drum separator to achieve economies of production, then the separator screen appears damaged
The case is not about to throw away, you can use three additional rivet welding nozzle to fill well. Finally, we get a new screen films, pay attention to positive and negative, often operating workers
Are not considered to have pros and cons of the points, it is not true, shag Asari, glossy outward is the best design.
To occupy a foothold in the market, we can achieve good survival and development. Magnetic mechanical processing equipment machinery has been committed to research in this market
A large market value, Grate Magnet has its own characteristics, but he also continues to develop, innovation. Only continue to move forward, in order for the enterprise
Fresh blood in the footsteps of history in order to Liu Yong Jin. Dry magnetic separator in terms of quality there is still much room for improvement, processing equipment Industrial is committed to creating belong
Own brand, to create a consumer of good equipment, but also the only way to make their own continued to mature.
As we all know, processing equipment installed inside mesh according to various models for all sorts of different machines all have different roles, so the choice is one thousand poor Wan
Do not have different, then select its characteristics and skills above, you have captivated focus. The most common mistakes novice is to pick a mesh accessory, only
Is simply based on the price to buy the equipment to consider, that the high price is good, but does not know the right is the best.
Moreover, the high price of the screen, where although the quality is quite good, but optimization of production costs, but the effect is not high, there is inappropriate sieve
Network, will cause difficult to repair, the worse thing is the change down again is not installed, can not be used more because of inappropriate waste. This is the whole question of mineral processing equipment
Questions, then specific to the separator above it? Industry today will explain it for everyone here, but still want to separate, magnetic separator today highlight some issues, application
In the separator on the screen, replacing the need to pay attention to three requirements, they are:
First, when the dry magnetic separator sieve after the problem has occurred, this side has produced mineral aggregate, must be separated again, because it may at their request
Did not pass, and if simply select it gone, and will definitely cause problems. Second, if you want drum separator to achieve economies of production, then the separator screen appears damaged
The case is not about to throw away, you can use three additional rivet welding nozzle to fill well. Finally, we get a new screen films, pay attention to positive and negative, often operating workers
Are not considered to have pros and cons of the points, it is not true, shag Asari, glossy outward is the best design.
dry magnetic separator related equipment
Wet permanent magnet drum magnetic separator iron ore concentrator is widely used as a separator, it applies to the sorting strong magnetic minerals.
Wet drum magnetic separator magnet structure is divided into downstream accordance tank, counter-style, semi-countercurrent three.
Wet Drum Magnetic magnetic bar Separator in permanent magnetic separation plant outside except as sorting devices, in recent years also used as a filter in front of enrichment equipment to replace the magnetic dewatering tank.
Many different types of strong magnetic separator, according to operating conditions are divided into wet and dry; divided by the magnetic source electromagnetic and permanent magnet; press the device structure is divided into disc, roller,
Flat ring, ring stand, sensor roller and so on.
Wet drum magnetic separator magnet structure is divided into downstream accordance tank, counter-style, semi-countercurrent three.
Wet Drum Magnetic magnetic bar Separator in permanent magnetic separation plant outside except as sorting devices, in recent years also used as a filter in front of enrichment equipment to replace the magnetic dewatering tank.
Many different types of strong magnetic separator, according to operating conditions are divided into wet and dry; divided by the magnetic source electromagnetic and permanent magnet; press the device structure is divided into disc, roller,
Flat ring, ring stand, sensor roller and so on.
1, spring cable reels for a variety of mobile AC 500V electrical equipment.
2, cable coiling length of L whichever way installation with cable lengths are as follows:
(1) A is L +3 ring mode
(2) B is the way l + h +3 laps (where h values must be indicated when ordering).
(3) means C, D in, L + H + h +3 laps.
(4) means E, F, determined according to the user site, specify when ordering.
3, methods in C reel fixed on the ground, close, put the cable, the cable there is a relatively friction magnetic bar with the ground, this time in the laying of the cable trajectory within the raceway to reduce cable wear.
4, method F in the general admission H = 0.14L, h = 0.5H, if H <0.14L, h <0.5H, the order must specify H, h values.
5, cable reel for the single-beam with electric hoist travel together with use, can rationing special roller bracket parts to install and use.
6, closing the cable reel, put direction Dimensions has been marked. Special requirements must be stated when ordering.
7, Dimension table "quality" of a column, not including cable quality.
8, the electric reel structure to cantilever-based (generally not labeled).
9, the special type of reel, special-purpose products, please come letter users to discuss.
MW16, MW96, MW26 MW36 series lifting electromagnet is lifting steel coil steel coil electromagnet with a movable pole, suitable for lifting steel strip coils. There are three kinds of structure.
1 vertical lifting type. Grate Magnet MW26, MW36 magnet adsorption volume strip end (figure B side) into a convex line, concave, Yamagata, whose height difference δ> 25mm, if the vertical lifting, stretching up and down freely available as pole electromagnet can be very Good and steel strip coils face contact, play lifting capability.
Two horizontal lifting type, WM16 series of curved steel strip coils electromagnet adsorption side.
3 Universal. MW96 lifting vertically, but also horizontally lifting.
2, cable coiling length of L whichever way installation with cable lengths are as follows:
(1) A is L +3 ring mode
(2) B is the way l + h +3 laps (where h values must be indicated when ordering).
(3) means C, D in, L + H + h +3 laps.
(4) means E, F, determined according to the user site, specify when ordering.
3, methods in C reel fixed on the ground, close, put the cable, the cable there is a relatively friction magnetic bar with the ground, this time in the laying of the cable trajectory within the raceway to reduce cable wear.
4, method F in the general admission H = 0.14L, h = 0.5H, if H <0.14L, h <0.5H, the order must specify H, h values.
5, cable reel for the single-beam with electric hoist travel together with use, can rationing special roller bracket parts to install and use.
6, closing the cable reel, put direction Dimensions has been marked. Special requirements must be stated when ordering.
7, Dimension table "quality" of a column, not including cable quality.
8, the electric reel structure to cantilever-based (generally not labeled).
9, the special type of reel, special-purpose products, please come letter users to discuss.
MW16, MW96, MW26 MW36 series lifting electromagnet is lifting steel coil steel coil electromagnet with a movable pole, suitable for lifting steel strip coils. There are three kinds of structure.
1 vertical lifting type. Grate Magnet MW26, MW36 magnet adsorption volume strip end (figure B side) into a convex line, concave, Yamagata, whose height difference δ> 25mm, if the vertical lifting, stretching up and down freely available as pole electromagnet can be very Good and steel strip coils face contact, play lifting capability.
Two horizontal lifting type, WM16 series of curved steel strip coils electromagnet adsorption side.
3 Universal. MW96 lifting vertically, but also horizontally lifting.
permanent lifting of the features:
Also known as permanent lifting magnet lifter, magnetic crane, magnetic lifter, lifting magnets, permanent lifting magnet, permanent magnets.
1, compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
2, high-performance magnetic hooks permanent magnetic materials, demagnetization.
3, work without electricity or other power support.
4, the maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
5, advanced scientific magnetic balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable.
1, compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
2, high-performance magnetic hooks permanent magnetic materials, demagnetization.
3, work without electricity or other power support.
4, the maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
5, advanced scientific magnetic balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable.
permanent lifting of the four characteristics
A high performance permanent magnetic materials, no demagnetization;
(2) work without electricity or other power support;
3 advanced scientific magnet hooks balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable;
4 Maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
Permanent lifting compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
(2) work without electricity or other power support;
3 advanced scientific magnet hooks balanced design, strong retention, remanence almost zero, safe and reliable;
4 Maximum pull-off force of gravity is 3.5 times the rated, high safety factor.
Permanent lifting compact, compact shape, easy to operate.
using the method of permanent lifting
Permanent lifting lifting process mainly used for holding iron material plate-shaped or cylindrical workpiece, with a compact structure, convenient operation, strong retention, safety and reliability
Features, will help improve N52 magnet labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. In order to regulate Wing
Magnetic lifters correct way to use the following brief overview:
1, permanent lifting must be used within the rated lifting, non-overloading, to prevent accidents.
2, by lifting the workpiece thickness and surface quality will affect the permanent lifting of the lifting capacity so before use, see performance curves, and then to determine lifting
The actual lifting capacity.
3, the workpiece material on the lifting of the lifting capacity, but on a low carbon steel workpiece lifting capacity taken as 100%, compared to 95% of the steel workpiece, high carbon steel workpiece
90% and 75% of low-alloy steel, cast iron, compared to 50%.
4, rotation of the handle mounting, should permanent lifting placed on the plate, so that the through magnetic magnetic lifter case of turning the handle freely, otherwise
That are difficult to use great force by turning the handle.
5, lifting the workpiece, the workpiece should magnetic lifter placed center of gravity position, and then move the handle from the release position to the suction holding position, the handle of the sliding key is checked
Whether it is locating pin lock, in recognition of the handle has been pinned, can the lifting.
6, For lifting cylindrical workpieces, should magnetic lifter V-groove bottom in contact with the workpiece, but the lifting capacity is generally rated lifting capacity of 30-50%
7, lifting the workpiece, it should lift the top of the button under the handle, the handle of the sliding key with locating pin out, and then reset the release lever handle position, so lifting at
In the closed state, and finally remove the jack.
8, permanent lifting using environmental conditions:
An ambient temperature less than 80 degrees Celsius
(2) No severe vibration and shock
3 surrounding medium non-corrosive metal etchant
Features, will help improve N52 magnet labor efficiency, so in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industry, has been widely used as a lifting tool. In order to regulate Wing
Magnetic lifters correct way to use the following brief overview:
1, permanent lifting must be used within the rated lifting, non-overloading, to prevent accidents.
2, by lifting the workpiece thickness and surface quality will affect the permanent lifting of the lifting capacity so before use, see performance curves, and then to determine lifting
The actual lifting capacity.
3, the workpiece material on the lifting of the lifting capacity, but on a low carbon steel workpiece lifting capacity taken as 100%, compared to 95% of the steel workpiece, high carbon steel workpiece
90% and 75% of low-alloy steel, cast iron, compared to 50%.
4, rotation of the handle mounting, should permanent lifting placed on the plate, so that the through magnetic magnetic lifter case of turning the handle freely, otherwise
That are difficult to use great force by turning the handle.
5, lifting the workpiece, the workpiece should magnetic lifter placed center of gravity position, and then move the handle from the release position to the suction holding position, the handle of the sliding key is checked
Whether it is locating pin lock, in recognition of the handle has been pinned, can the lifting.
6, For lifting cylindrical workpieces, should magnetic lifter V-groove bottom in contact with the workpiece, but the lifting capacity is generally rated lifting capacity of 30-50%
7, lifting the workpiece, it should lift the top of the button under the handle, the handle of the sliding key with locating pin out, and then reset the release lever handle position, so lifting at
In the closed state, and finally remove the jack.
8, permanent lifting using environmental conditions:
An ambient temperature less than 80 degrees Celsius
(2) No severe vibration and shock
3 surrounding medium non-corrosive metal etchant
permanent lifting raw power is what
Permanent lifting is an export-oriented products, it is mainly made of imported eons magnetic data borax composition, density, magnetic field stronger. The shell is cast over copper, anti-
MFL function better. Grate Magnet The application process by manipulating the handle allows the permanent lifting mandrel change in operation or closed position, no external power supply. I believe everyone on permanent
Lifters have a certain understanding, in this small series permanent lifting the main driving force outlined what ingredients:
Permanent lifting NdFeB selection of high function as a resource, steel production,? Composed of magnetic system, after moving the handle to change the magnetic system of magnetic arrive to make
Industry retention and release.Grate Magnet Permanent lifting of choice is imported neodymium permanent magnetic data borax composition, density, magnetic intensity. Permanent lifting shell is made of copper casting off
, Leakage magnetic function better. Permanent lifting lifting bottom "V"-shaped groove depicting that lifting the corresponding bar, pipe and so on.
It is worth mentioning that the permanent lifting can improve labor power, save manpower, reduce costs.
MFL function better. Grate Magnet The application process by manipulating the handle allows the permanent lifting mandrel change in operation or closed position, no external power supply. I believe everyone on permanent
Lifters have a certain understanding, in this small series permanent lifting the main driving force outlined what ingredients:
Permanent lifting NdFeB selection of high function as a resource, steel production,? Composed of magnetic system, after moving the handle to change the magnetic system of magnetic arrive to make
Industry retention and release.Grate Magnet Permanent lifting of choice is imported neodymium permanent magnetic data borax composition, density, magnetic intensity. Permanent lifting shell is made of copper casting off
, Leakage magnetic function better. Permanent lifting lifting bottom "V"-shaped groove depicting that lifting the corresponding bar, pipe and so on.
It is worth mentioning that the permanent lifting can improve labor power, save manpower, reduce costs.
to improve the purity of materials with magnetic rods
to improve the purity of materials with magnetic rods, ceramic raw iron with a magnetic bar
In addition to iron equipment in this era of competition in the industry, choose a good addition to iron equipment stake importance as a ceramics factory need to use magnetic rods, iron machine to get rid of the slurry ceramic raw
Material in the scrap iron, iron magnetic name tag can improve the purity of materials, manufacture the finished product are not the same effect in improving the purity of the material I have greatly improved the quality of the finished product
Volume, improve product quality also improved after the corporate brand reputation, so that a customer uses the product praise without a break.
Application of magnetic rods wide range of industries, such as ceramics, electronics, mining, metallurgy, environmental protection, food, pharmaceutical, tea, dehydrated vegetables, grinding iron, refractory
, Plastic products, paper, machinery and equipment, hydraulic oil control, feed, mud, etc. High magnetic rods using N38 Model Magneto magnetic, stable quality, quality assurance;
Magnetic rods are refined magnet hooks through five steps, mainly for raw materials in the iron off too; actually look up to 6000-11000 gauss magnetic field, but also according to the customer's specific
Request. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king sealed with silicone or welding and the use of special scientific craft making.
In addition to iron equipment in this era of competition in the industry, choose a good addition to iron equipment stake importance as a ceramics factory need to use magnetic rods, iron machine to get rid of the slurry ceramic raw
Material in the scrap iron, iron magnetic name tag can improve the purity of materials, manufacture the finished product are not the same effect in improving the purity of the material I have greatly improved the quality of the finished product
Volume, improve product quality also improved after the corporate brand reputation, so that a customer uses the product praise without a break.
Application of magnetic rods wide range of industries, such as ceramics, electronics, mining, metallurgy, environmental protection, food, pharmaceutical, tea, dehydrated vegetables, grinding iron, refractory
, Plastic products, paper, machinery and equipment, hydraulic oil control, feed, mud, etc. High magnetic rods using N38 Model Magneto magnetic, stable quality, quality assurance;
Magnetic rods are refined magnet hooks through five steps, mainly for raw materials in the iron off too; actually look up to 6000-11000 gauss magnetic field, but also according to the customer's specific
Request. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king sealed with silicone or welding and the use of special scientific craft making.
the structural characteristics of the magnetic drum
Magnetic drum mainly used to remove powder, flake and granular ferromagnetic impurities in the raw materials, widely used in ceramics, electricity, mining, plastics, chemicals, rubber, pharmaceutical
, Food, environmental protection, pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries. To enable customers to better understand the magnetic roller, magnetic roller detailed overview of the following structural features:
Magnetic drum including oil cooling motor, gear box, electric drum shell and shaft, oil-cooled electric suspended magnet motor mounted on the shaft, the shaft ends with electric roll through the end cap
Cylindrical shell is connected at both ends, oil cooler motor output shaft via a reduction mechanism with fixed electric drum shell wall flange ring gear meshing, the electric drum shell
Is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the magnet installation even polygonal tube, the mounting tube outer sides of the polygon of even non-magnetic screws are connected by a permanent magnetic strip, and each of the permanent magnetic strip
Multiple magnetic polarity neodymium ring magnet direction stacking block close abutment, each of the two adjacent magnetic polarity opposite to the magnet even polygonal periphery of the mounting cylinder and has non-magnetic
Magnetic stainless steel cylinder, the cylinder ends through non-magnetic stainless steel cover and electric drum is connected to both ends of the outer wall of the housing. Alternatively, you can directly to the electric drum shell
Even polygonal outer wall to the other structure unchanged.
, Food, environmental protection, pigments, dyes, electronics, metallurgy and other industries. To enable customers to better understand the magnetic roller, magnetic roller detailed overview of the following structural features:
Magnetic drum including oil cooling motor, gear box, electric drum shell and shaft, oil-cooled electric suspended magnet motor mounted on the shaft, the shaft ends with electric roll through the end cap
Cylindrical shell is connected at both ends, oil cooler motor output shaft via a reduction mechanism with fixed electric drum shell wall flange ring gear meshing, the electric drum shell
Is fixedly connected with the outer wall of the magnet installation even polygonal tube, the mounting tube outer sides of the polygon of even non-magnetic screws are connected by a permanent magnetic strip, and each of the permanent magnetic strip
Multiple magnetic polarity neodymium ring magnet direction stacking block close abutment, each of the two adjacent magnetic polarity opposite to the magnet even polygonal periphery of the mounting cylinder and has non-magnetic
Magnetic stainless steel cylinder, the cylinder ends through non-magnetic stainless steel cover and electric drum is connected to both ends of the outer wall of the housing. Alternatively, you can directly to the electric drum shell
Even polygonal outer wall to the other structure unchanged.
select the permanent lifting of the several criteria
Permanent lifting lifting process to be used for lifting the workpiece and being connected for moving iron block and a cylindrical magnetic materials work. Easy to operate, safe and reliable,
Results compact and lightweight. Widely used in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industries. Improving the working conditions of loading and unloading operations, improve labor efficiency. In the choice of
Permanent lifting, the need to magnetic sweeper pay attention to the following points:
The first consideration is the safety factor of permanent lifting, lifting only your permanent operational safety is the most important. So we come to a detailed understanding of a
Under the permanent lifting of the safety factor. In fact, the safety factor is to pull-off force size. Permanent lifting and other products primarily to attract hanging steel, mainly in lifting steel rose
The moment, shaking plate in an unstable state, will produce inertial force, this force is much greater than its own weight plates. Our permanent lifting safety factor
Reached 3.5 times, permanent lifting safety factor is higher, the pull-off force on behalf of its greater safety of operation is higher. Thus, the use of my company's permanent
Jacks is the most reliable.
The second is the permanent lifting of the appearance of the structure, the appearance of good quality permanent lifting compact, structured, the appearance of special treatment process, magnetic bar and the surface is not smooth
Rust wear.
The final step is to consider permanent lifting of the internal circuit design, that is, the size of the internal magnetic field, magnetic remanence size and determine the amount of permanent lifting of use
, Magnetic larger remanence more permanent lifting of the use of a long time is longer.
Results compact and lightweight. Widely used in factories, docks, warehouses and transportation industries. Improving the working conditions of loading and unloading operations, improve labor efficiency. In the choice of
Permanent lifting, the need to magnetic sweeper pay attention to the following points:
The first consideration is the safety factor of permanent lifting, lifting only your permanent operational safety is the most important. So we come to a detailed understanding of a
Under the permanent lifting of the safety factor. In fact, the safety factor is to pull-off force size. Permanent lifting and other products primarily to attract hanging steel, mainly in lifting steel rose
The moment, shaking plate in an unstable state, will produce inertial force, this force is much greater than its own weight plates. Our permanent lifting safety factor
Reached 3.5 times, permanent lifting safety factor is higher, the pull-off force on behalf of its greater safety of operation is higher. Thus, the use of my company's permanent
Jacks is the most reliable.
The second is the permanent lifting of the appearance of the structure, the appearance of good quality permanent lifting compact, structured, the appearance of special treatment process, magnetic bar and the surface is not smooth
Rust wear.
The final step is to consider permanent lifting of the internal circuit design, that is, the size of the internal magnetic field, magnetic remanence size and determine the amount of permanent lifting of use
, Magnetic larger remanence more permanent lifting of the use of a long time is longer.
discharges and accidental failures.
MW16, 26,36 series lifting electromagnet coil steel installation and operation
Installation: Installation of this device suitable for indoor cranes, including magnetic power protection devices, battery and battery box should be installed on the crane girders, ease of maintenance, or other appropriate place with good ventilation; meter box, the controller should be installed in the driver room or operating room; electric flute should also be installed in the cab or operator easy to hear the place.
4.2 Wiring: Wiring diagram according to the external current value of the standard specifications select the appropriate voltage of 500V or more wires, according to the attached external wiring diagrams good line, pay attention to the wiring between the transformer and the rectifier can not pick the wrong; particular attention and the polarity of the wiring between the battery can not be wrong; wherein between P2 and N1 only two batteries. The contacts should be connected securely and should be clearly marked.
4.3 Charging: Check the wiring is correct, close the filling cabinet automatic air switch QF1, QF2, then this device to charge the battery automatically, automatic charging cabinet panel ARC-E1 on the LED display when the state of charge; this on the door and when the meter box on the voltmeter and ammeter should be a corresponding current and voltage display; strong charge when the current security should 0.1CA about voltage between 220V to 260V are normal; float charging current at about 0.5A, the voltage between 220V to 260V are normal. Because the factory automatic charge control board ARC-E1 on the various parameters have been set, so it is best not move automatically charged Dashboard ARC-E1 on the various settings.
4.4 Suction operation: Press the drawings connected and check all connections for suction correct before operation. To ensure safety, should first control handle is set to "discharge" position, check the power supply meets the requirements, check HL1 is lit; observe the state of charge, the charge voltage, charge current, charge state when strong charge into the floating charge state a certain time After that first charge the battery is fully charged, ready to be put into operation, will run the electromagnet is attracted to the material on the handle is set to "suction" position, drum separator drawing materials, the material should be placed in the electromagnet runs to position
The handle is set to "discharge" position, the solenoid discharge, discharge time is 2-3 seconds.
4.5 blackout test: the electromagnet hanging material to the specified location to run the process, in case of outage or main part of the fault rectified so that the voltage fed to the solenoid down to a certain value; or man turn off the power, standby power immediately and automatically inputs, to ensure that the material will not be drawn down, the meter box HL4 bright lights, electric horn beep alarm. Work for the inverter switches SA1, AN21-based decentralization button hook, power protection SA1 placed under magnetic state inverter working position, press AN21 button, the inverter converts the DC reverse into three-phase alternating current, the AC brake to open the lifting objects fall to the ground.
4.6 After the operation is completed, it can be down to the designated location electromagnet, the controller handle to the "discharge" position, put down the material, the automatic air switch QF1, QF2 off, to avoid unnecessary discharges and accidental failures.
Installation: Installation of this device suitable for indoor cranes, including magnetic power protection devices, battery and battery box should be installed on the crane girders, ease of maintenance, or other appropriate place with good ventilation; meter box, the controller should be installed in the driver room or operating room; electric flute should also be installed in the cab or operator easy to hear the place.
4.2 Wiring: Wiring diagram according to the external current value of the standard specifications select the appropriate voltage of 500V or more wires, according to the attached external wiring diagrams good line, pay attention to the wiring between the transformer and the rectifier can not pick the wrong; particular attention and the polarity of the wiring between the battery can not be wrong; wherein between P2 and N1 only two batteries. The contacts should be connected securely and should be clearly marked.
4.3 Charging: Check the wiring is correct, close the filling cabinet automatic air switch QF1, QF2, then this device to charge the battery automatically, automatic charging cabinet panel ARC-E1 on the LED display when the state of charge; this on the door and when the meter box on the voltmeter and ammeter should be a corresponding current and voltage display; strong charge when the current security should 0.1CA about voltage between 220V to 260V are normal; float charging current at about 0.5A, the voltage between 220V to 260V are normal. Because the factory automatic charge control board ARC-E1 on the various parameters have been set, so it is best not move automatically charged Dashboard ARC-E1 on the various settings.
4.4 Suction operation: Press the drawings connected and check all connections for suction correct before operation. To ensure safety, should first control handle is set to "discharge" position, check the power supply meets the requirements, check HL1 is lit; observe the state of charge, the charge voltage, charge current, charge state when strong charge into the floating charge state a certain time After that first charge the battery is fully charged, ready to be put into operation, will run the electromagnet is attracted to the material on the handle is set to "suction" position, drum separator drawing materials, the material should be placed in the electromagnet runs to position
The handle is set to "discharge" position, the solenoid discharge, discharge time is 2-3 seconds.
4.5 blackout test: the electromagnet hanging material to the specified location to run the process, in case of outage or main part of the fault rectified so that the voltage fed to the solenoid down to a certain value; or man turn off the power, standby power immediately and automatically inputs, to ensure that the material will not be drawn down, the meter box HL4 bright lights, electric horn beep alarm. Work for the inverter switches SA1, AN21-based decentralization button hook, power protection SA1 placed under magnetic state inverter working position, press AN21 button, the inverter converts the DC reverse into three-phase alternating current, the AC brake to open the lifting objects fall to the ground.
4.6 After the operation is completed, it can be down to the designated location electromagnet, the controller handle to the "discharge" position, put down the material, the automatic air switch QF1, QF2 off, to avoid unnecessary discharges and accidental failures.
cable reels introduction and description
1, the company can design and manufacture all kinds of cable reels, signal reel, hose (conveying gas or liquid) roll. <br />
2, cable lighter, shorter distance, commonly used as a power scroll spring, the heavier weight of the cable, the moving distance is longer, generally adopts torque motor or three-phase asynchronous motors (hysteresis) as the driving force. According to the magnetic hooks situation, but also use external drive or a hammer as a driving force. <br />
3, the winding length of the cable installation drawing of the "L" as the basis, with a cable length, respectively: (1) mode A is L +3 ring; (2) method B is the L + h +3 ring ; (3) mode C, D for L + H + h +3 laps; (4) mode E, F, determined according to the user site, specify when ordering. <br />
4, mode C in reel fixed on the ground, close, put the cable, the cable and the relative motion between the ground. In this case, the trajectory of the cable laying within the raceway to reduce cable wear. <br />
5, generally by way of F H = 0.14L. h = 0.5H considerations, such as H <0.14L, h <0.5H, then the order must specify H, h values. <br />
6, the cable reel mounted on a single beam for driving with electric hoist equipped with time, can be accompanied by a special roller bracket assembly to install and use. <br />
7, the cable reel "cable Dry Magnetic Separator exit direction" in Dimensions, as indicated, any special requirements please specify. <br />
8 Dimensions of the table indicate the weight, not including cable (duct) weight. <br />
9, and hysteresis torque motor type structure in the form of roll-type cantilever type in the product is not indicated. <br />
10 samples of four core cable reels are equipped with three-phase motor is used to supply power if used to give two sets of electromagnets, then the four-core cable with the same cross-sectional area should be. <br />
11, cable lengths over 30 meters (including 30 meters), cable users themselves.
2, cable lighter, shorter distance, commonly used as a power scroll spring, the heavier weight of the cable, the moving distance is longer, generally adopts torque motor or three-phase asynchronous motors (hysteresis) as the driving force. According to the magnetic hooks situation, but also use external drive or a hammer as a driving force. <br />
3, the winding length of the cable installation drawing of the "L" as the basis, with a cable length, respectively: (1) mode A is L +3 ring; (2) method B is the L + h +3 ring ; (3) mode C, D for L + H + h +3 laps; (4) mode E, F, determined according to the user site, specify when ordering. <br />
4, mode C in reel fixed on the ground, close, put the cable, the cable and the relative motion between the ground. In this case, the trajectory of the cable laying within the raceway to reduce cable wear. <br />
5, generally by way of F H = 0.14L. h = 0.5H considerations, such as H <0.14L, h <0.5H, then the order must specify H, h values. <br />
6, the cable reel mounted on a single beam for driving with electric hoist equipped with time, can be accompanied by a special roller bracket assembly to install and use. <br />
7, the cable reel "cable Dry Magnetic Separator exit direction" in Dimensions, as indicated, any special requirements please specify. <br />
8 Dimensions of the table indicate the weight, not including cable (duct) weight. <br />
9, and hysteresis torque motor type structure in the form of roll-type cantilever type in the product is not indicated. <br />
10 samples of four core cable reels are equipped with three-phase motor is used to supply power if used to give two sets of electromagnets, then the four-core cable with the same cross-sectional area should be. <br />
11, cable lengths over 30 meters (including 30 meters), cable users themselves.
Separators Precautions
8.1 electromagnet should be measured before the cold insulation resistance at room temperature, its value is not less than 10MΩ.
8.2 electromagnet is not poised on the matter being sucked Do not energized before work. Forbidden to use electromagnets to make trips hammer.
8.3 Materials must be selected relatively flat parts of the suction lift.
8.4 requires high temperature materials electromagnet suction lift, lifting electromagnets normal temperature normal temperature materials is prohibited lifting electromagnet normal temperature hot object.
8.4.1 forbidden to stay in the high-temperature objects electromagnet waiting to be sucked surface temperature drops below 600 ℃ before the magnet close to the work.
8.4.2 When not in use, is strictly magnetic hooks prohibited electromagnet stay at high temperatures, hovering, storage.
8.4.3 minimize contact time electromagnets and hot objects.
8.4.4 If in the course of the electromagnet suction decreased or poles appear overheated, should be allowed to rest for some time electromagnet.
8.5 electromagnet load's center of gravity should be as symmetrical placement.
8.5.1 Note eccentric longitudinal direction, the center of gravity of the material to be sucked lifting.
8.5.2 electromagnet payload = suction weight capacity × (1 + eccentricity / space), so the spacing between the lifting electromagnet is better to be slightly larger. When the spacing between the two electromagnets small eccentricity is large, both with a deadweight electromagnet electromagnet is almost the same, the work would be extremely unsafe. The pitch can not expand the occasion, the operation should minimize the amount of eccentricity to make work safe and reliable.
8.5.3 For longer difficult to produce around the degree of steel solenoid load larger, generally using multiple combined. In this way, the suction surface level is very important, should adopt the balance-type two-beam ceiling. Except for special reasons, the use of four electromagnets, so that the hanging chain the accuracy requirements of the class is much smaller, easy to practice, commissioning and use.
8.5.4 When using more than four units when lifting electromagnets, electromagnetic adsorption surface should be carefully adjusted to suit the actual working conditions, there would be not only ineffective individual electromagnet, but will also add weight to increase the other electromagnet burden.
8.5.5 when used in combination of two materials whose spacing is half the length.
8.6 With the crane lifting electromagnet, to avoid smashed pull off the power cable.
8.7 in the operation to regularly observe the solenoid control screen voltage and current indicated value.
8.7.1 solenoid excitation current should be in the cold between the current and the thermal state current.
8.7.2 voltage allows the error does not exceed ± 10%.
8.8 electromagnet should be kept dry, non-water-cooled. After use, should be stored in dry, ventilated place no harmful substances.
8.9 Always check the chain, pin wear. Less than 90% of the original diameter, replace genuine.
8.2 electromagnet is not poised on the matter being sucked Do not energized before work. Forbidden to use electromagnets to make trips hammer.
8.3 Materials must be selected relatively flat parts of the suction lift.
8.4 requires high temperature materials electromagnet suction lift, lifting electromagnets normal temperature normal temperature materials is prohibited lifting electromagnet normal temperature hot object.
8.4.1 forbidden to stay in the high-temperature objects electromagnet waiting to be sucked surface temperature drops below 600 ℃ before the magnet close to the work.
8.4.2 When not in use, is strictly magnetic hooks prohibited electromagnet stay at high temperatures, hovering, storage.
8.4.3 minimize contact time electromagnets and hot objects.
8.4.4 If in the course of the electromagnet suction decreased or poles appear overheated, should be allowed to rest for some time electromagnet.
8.5 electromagnet load's center of gravity should be as symmetrical placement.
8.5.1 Note eccentric longitudinal direction, the center of gravity of the material to be sucked lifting.
8.5.2 electromagnet payload = suction weight capacity × (1 + eccentricity / space), so the spacing between the lifting electromagnet is better to be slightly larger. When the spacing between the two electromagnets small eccentricity is large, both with a deadweight electromagnet electromagnet is almost the same, the work would be extremely unsafe. The pitch can not expand the occasion, the operation should minimize the amount of eccentricity to make work safe and reliable.
8.5.3 For longer difficult to produce around the degree of steel solenoid load larger, generally using multiple combined. In this way, the suction surface level is very important, should adopt the balance-type two-beam ceiling. Except for special reasons, the use of four electromagnets, so that the hanging chain the accuracy requirements of the class is much smaller, easy to practice, commissioning and use.
8.5.4 When using more than four units when lifting electromagnets, electromagnetic adsorption surface should be carefully adjusted to suit the actual working conditions, there would be not only ineffective individual electromagnet, but will also add weight to increase the other electromagnet burden.
8.5.5 when used in combination of two materials whose spacing is half the length.
8.6 With the crane lifting electromagnet, to avoid smashed pull off the power cable.
8.7 in the operation to regularly observe the solenoid control screen voltage and current indicated value.
8.7.1 solenoid excitation current should be in the cold between the current and the thermal state current.
8.7.2 voltage allows the error does not exceed ± 10%.
8.8 electromagnet should be kept dry, non-water-cooled. After use, should be stored in dry, ventilated place no harmful substances.
8.9 Always check the chain, pin wear. Less than 90% of the original diameter, replace genuine.
Separators electrical performance
5.1 solenoids repeated short-time work status of the solenoid duty cycle TD is generally 60%
I.e. TD% = [tp / (tp + tn)] × 100%
tp as working time, tn as rest time.
Ie solenoid is energized to lift the material sent from the destination to the release of material being sucked entire period of time is working time tp, time to return to the original magnetic sweeper position of rest time tn, a cycle of work and rest time.
5.2 the rated continuous power voltage and 60% of the intermittent operation, the solenoid coil temperature rise reaches a stable value, the current time is the thermal stability of the current, the coil current is not higher than the thermal current coil generally does not appear coil burning and insulation down and so on.
I.e. TD% = [tp / (tp + tn)] × 100%
tp as working time, tn as rest time.
Ie solenoid is energized to lift the material sent from the destination to the release of material being sucked entire period of time is working time tp, time to return to the original magnetic sweeper position of rest time tn, a cycle of work and rest time.
5.2 the rated continuous power voltage and 60% of the intermittent operation, the solenoid coil temperature rise reaches a stable value, the current time is the thermal stability of the current, the coil current is not higher than the thermal current coil generally does not appear coil burning and insulation down and so on.
permanent magnet sucker working point selection
Because a wide range of lifting the workpiece, therefore, magnetic chuck working electrode surface and the surface of the air gap distance is changing, the magnetic circuit is a dynamic magnetic circuit. NdFeB magnet recovery curve and operating point of the permanent magnet schematic work status change is in the recovery curve (AD) on the changes. When the permanent magnet sucker in the open state, the permanent magnet magnetic name tags demagnetization operating point to point A on the curve represents; when polar permanent magnet sucker work completely seamless engagement with the workpiece, its operating point is point D, this time, the permanent magnet All the magnetic flux through the workpiece. Chuck near the workpiece surface the permanent process, the operating state of the permanent magnet along the arrow from A to D; turn, magnetic chuck away from the workpiece, the working status of the permanent magnet along the arrow from D to A. Since these two curves is very close, can be approximated by a straight line AD to replace. OA is the work suspension magnets of the permanent magnet load line. Useful response to (Erec) is a permanent magnet useful in the operating point of the magnetic flux density B and the field strength H of the product withdrawal (Erec = B * H).
Hatched area EFGC area. E point and the operating point of the permanent magnet, should be designed to point E near the midpoint of AD response curve, so that A is a useful starting point back to the maximum.
Hatched area EFGC area. E point and the operating point of the permanent magnet, should be designed to point E near the midpoint of AD response curve, so that A is a useful starting point back to the maximum.
the characteristics of permanent magnet sucker
1) using high-performance permanent magnet sucker NdFeB permanent magnet material (Nd-Fe-B) for the product kernel, make the product smaller, more powerful lifting force and magnetic long-lasting.
2) permanent magnet sucker with suspension magnets the highest rated lifting large safety factor of 3.5 times gravity.
3) permanent magnet sucker bottom "V" groove design, lifting the corresponding bar, plate.
4) permanent magnet sucker without electricity can be used, eliminating the need for power supply trouble.
5) permanent magnet sucker optimized magnetic circuit design, remanence almost zero.
6) permanent magnet sucker professionally designed to make the product more attractive appearance.
2) permanent magnet sucker with suspension magnets the highest rated lifting large safety factor of 3.5 times gravity.
3) permanent magnet sucker bottom "V" groove design, lifting the corresponding bar, plate.
4) permanent magnet sucker without electricity can be used, eliminating the need for power supply trouble.
5) permanent magnet sucker optimized magnetic circuit design, remanence almost zero.
6) permanent magnet sucker professionally designed to make the product more attractive appearance.
magnetic rods - Features
Magnetic wand features are: effective removal of iron poles dense, large contact area, magnetic super. In addition to iron container, can be customized according to user requirements process.
A good magnetic rods should do uniform spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density distribution point as magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general production is on the move
Commodities transmission lines, magnetic sweeper stick surfaces should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using different
The thickness of the magnetic sheets can get different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in conventional
∮ 25 magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets. High temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees
Generally choose samarium cobalt magnets. But do not choose large diameter SmCo magnetic bar, after all, the price is very expensive samarium cobalt, a magnetic wand price reaches tens of thousands of yuan,
The surface magnetic rods and can be adsorbed magnetic induction intensity proportional to the size of the smallest particles, but in the batteries, pharmaceutical and other fields of small iron impurities can also cause a great impact, the
To be used more than 12,000 gauss magnetic roller (∮ 110 - ∮ 220). Other fields can choose low point.
Magnetic rods in contact with the fluid used in the process will be part of the internal magnetic energy irreversible loss, loss of more than 30% of the initial strength of the metal or coated, stainless steel
Pipe rupture when worn, Drawer magnets then need to replace the magnetic rods, and not allow leakage magnet magnetic wand to continue working, magnets are generally more brittle, the surface is also coated with some oil
Material, the environmental pollution is relatively large. Magnetic rods domestic producers generally magnetic rods can work under heavy 1-2 years, 7-8 years working under light load. Mainly used in plastic
, Food, environmental protection, filtration, chemical, electric power, building materials, pottery, medicine, powder, mining, coal and other industries.
Magnetic rods - danger
November 2005, 20-month-old American boy Kenny, at home, playing a product called "MagnetiX" magnetic wand toys made in China, and accidentally swallow from shedding two
Grain beads. Beads though small was able to produce powerful suction, resulting in severe contraction and Kenny twisted bowel, which in turn hinder the blood supply to the hospital five minutes after the declaration of death
Die. Another four children who were wearing beads and clogged lungs and intestinal surgery.
Magnetic rods - Benefits
Children's toys is the use of a plurality of magnetic rods 2 to 3 cm long magnetic beads stick to each other and the corresponding adsorption principle, and thus spell out a variety of rich three-dimensional modeling.
These magnetic bar toys according to specifications size, is mounted in sizes ranging from exquisite box. They are some whole magnetic rods, some in plastic tube inside inlaid with fine
Small stripe, while in the box comes with a lot of the ball for the assembly. According to sales personnel, as magnetic and strong, so the whole magnetic bar is more expensive, the most expensive sold for a few
Hundred dollars. This toy play is simple, shape changing, for improving child mental helpful.
A good magnetic rods should do uniform spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density distribution point as magnetic rods filled the entire root, because the general production is on the move
Commodities transmission lines, magnetic sweeper stick surfaces should be smooth resistance, does not contain environmentally harmful substances, to avoid contaminated material and the environment.
Magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetic induction. By using different
The thickness of the magnetic sheets can get different magnetic induction. Select a different magnetic bar magnets can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, generally succeed in conventional
∮ 25 magnetic rods to achieve more than 10,000 gauss magnetic induction surface models that require high performance NdFeB magnets. High temperature magnetic bar at a temperature of over 150 degrees
Generally choose samarium cobalt magnets. But do not choose large diameter SmCo magnetic bar, after all, the price is very expensive samarium cobalt, a magnetic wand price reaches tens of thousands of yuan,
The surface magnetic rods and can be adsorbed magnetic induction intensity proportional to the size of the smallest particles, but in the batteries, pharmaceutical and other fields of small iron impurities can also cause a great impact, the
To be used more than 12,000 gauss magnetic roller (∮ 110 - ∮ 220). Other fields can choose low point.
Magnetic rods in contact with the fluid used in the process will be part of the internal magnetic energy irreversible loss, loss of more than 30% of the initial strength of the metal or coated, stainless steel
Pipe rupture when worn, Drawer magnets then need to replace the magnetic rods, and not allow leakage magnet magnetic wand to continue working, magnets are generally more brittle, the surface is also coated with some oil
Material, the environmental pollution is relatively large. Magnetic rods domestic producers generally magnetic rods can work under heavy 1-2 years, 7-8 years working under light load. Mainly used in plastic
, Food, environmental protection, filtration, chemical, electric power, building materials, pottery, medicine, powder, mining, coal and other industries.
Magnetic rods - danger
November 2005, 20-month-old American boy Kenny, at home, playing a product called "MagnetiX" magnetic wand toys made in China, and accidentally swallow from shedding two
Grain beads. Beads though small was able to produce powerful suction, resulting in severe contraction and Kenny twisted bowel, which in turn hinder the blood supply to the hospital five minutes after the declaration of death
Die. Another four children who were wearing beads and clogged lungs and intestinal surgery.
Magnetic rods - Benefits
Children's toys is the use of a plurality of magnetic rods 2 to 3 cm long magnetic beads stick to each other and the corresponding adsorption principle, and thus spell out a variety of rich three-dimensional modeling.
These magnetic bar toys according to specifications size, is mounted in sizes ranging from exquisite box. They are some whole magnetic rods, some in plastic tube inside inlaid with fine
Small stripe, while in the box comes with a lot of the ball for the assembly. According to sales personnel, as magnetic and strong, so the whole magnetic bar is more expensive, the most expensive sold for a few
Hundred dollars. This toy play is simple, shape changing, for improving child mental helpful.
magnetic rods
Magnetic bar is magnetic building blocks, is selling a momentary toys. However, the magnets on the toy blocks off easily be swallowed by children, easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases.
Magnetic rod specifications (∮ 19, ∮ 22, ∮ 25, ∮ 28, ∮ 32, ∮ 38 .....)
Magnetic rods - components
Product is refined through five steps. Magnetic rods from the core and internal and external cladding composed of cylindrical magnet core also includes a magnet blocks and turn slices. Magnetic force
Stick all the configuration Drawer magnets stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic rods - Uses
Mainly in the iron raw material used for over-pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid, and other impurities in the iron-magnetic material with a band, now widely used of
Work, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
Actual surface magnetic field of up to about 6000 to 11,000 gauss, but also according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king magnetic hooks sealed with silicone or welding,
Science and Technology and the use of a special system to do.
Magnetic rod specifications (∮ 19, ∮ 22, ∮ 25, ∮ 28, ∮ 32, ∮ 38 .....)
Magnetic rods - components
Product is refined through five steps. Magnetic rods from the core and internal and external cladding composed of cylindrical magnet core also includes a magnet blocks and turn slices. Magnetic force
Stick all the configuration Drawer magnets stainless steel protective cover, effectively protect the magnetic rods to be easily damaged. Iron chelating convenient; pull magnetic rods, magnetic rods adsorbed on the automatic separation of ferromagnetic material
Fall. Continuous work; drill platoon iron raw material extraction can continue to work without pause feed.
Magnetic rods - Uses
Mainly in the iron raw material used for over-pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, semi-liquid, and other impurities in the iron-magnetic material with a band, now widely used of
Work, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
Actual surface magnetic field of up to about 6000 to 11,000 gauss, but also according to customer's specific requirements. Due to use of special high coercivity magnetic king magnetic hooks sealed with silicone or welding,
Science and Technology and the use of a special system to do.
resolve to withstand greater fluctuations in ore and quartz ore slurry separator effective measures
Magnetic separator beneficiation production equipment is indispensable to use tools, quartz ore magnetic separator equipment service production to meet production requirements. Quartz ore magnetic separator market
Needs, determine the development of industry, which is slowly took a few years of industrial rapid development of a new attitude, speed up the pace of modernization. Quartz ore magnetic separator can sorting
Many minerals, such as: magnetite, suspended magnet limonite, hematite, manganese, siderite, ilmenite, wolframite, manganese carbonate, manganese, metallurgical manganese ore, manganese oxide, iron
Sands, kaolin, quartz rare earth ore mining and so can be used to select another separator. Cylinder by a 2-3mm stainless steel plate welded into a tube, cover the cast aluminum parts, stainless steel screws
And the tube is connected. Progressive processing product quality, reduce costs, improve production efficiency.
Quartz ore magnetic separator beneficiation operations according to demand in the industry, applications should meet some of the characteristics of the industry in order to better carry out processing operations, quartz ore magnetic separator
Equipment and technology with industry applications, according to the technical characteristics of the beneficiation process, it has a kind of industry demand, quartz ore magnetic separator as a mineral processing equipment, according to the
Processing operations to the actual needs, and its magnetic separation process should have the characteristics of what conditions do the following for you to analyze in detail the quartz ore magnetic separator technical characteristics, with the
IDM operating conditions.
Quartz ore magnetic Neodymium Motor Magnet is widely used in the chemical industry, building materials, refractory plants, power plants and other industries has a significant role, with its high efficiency, low investment, appropriate
Should be strong, simple structure, large capacity, easy to operate, easy to maintain, low grade tailings recovery of higher strengths, our customers of all ages.
Tailings eliminate the system's role is to choose to go iron sand routed away from the tail where the machinery in order to ensure the normal work of the mechanical energy. Motor through reducer,
Driven cylinder for rotary motion. Beneficiation production line is now commonly used in quartz ore magnetic separator equipment is mainly used in the re-use powdered iron removal mitochondria, etc. The device is also
It can be widely used for recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemicals, food and other plants, together for the granularity below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore
, Ilmenite and other materials, magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, iron homework, it can be said that the device is the industry's most widely used high versatility
One of the models, quartz mineral ore magnetic separator strive China's rookie.
Quartz ore mining mineral separator equipment is essential for the production of equipment, the use of magnets of different magnetic materials magnetic system for sorting, Henan Yu Fasheng quartz ore production
Strong magnetic separator equipment for mineral materials adaptable, so its wide range of applications. Quartz ore magnetic separator equipment quality is every vendor can not be ignored, a
Once a quality problem, its impact and the loss is unthinkable. In any period will not relax on quartz ore magnetic separator equipment quality control and attention
Doing so is not only responsible for the majority of customers, but also on their own responsibility, socially responsible.
Quartz ore magnetic separator needs a lot of technical operating conditions, according to the actual needs of processing operations, quartz ore magnetic separator tailings flow channel division is run after overflow
Fine-grained or fine mud tailings and tailings underflow orifice then ran coarse rock gangue, suitable for roughing coarse magnetite slurry has a particle size distribution is very wide, coarse vary widely
Or the characteristics of a high clay content, Oita sorting room, high-mineral surface, multi-tail flow channel, the quartz ore magnetic separator can withstand large amounts of ore slurry volume and volatility.
Needs, determine the development of industry, which is slowly took a few years of industrial rapid development of a new attitude, speed up the pace of modernization. Quartz ore magnetic separator can sorting
Many minerals, such as: magnetite, suspended magnet limonite, hematite, manganese, siderite, ilmenite, wolframite, manganese carbonate, manganese, metallurgical manganese ore, manganese oxide, iron
Sands, kaolin, quartz rare earth ore mining and so can be used to select another separator. Cylinder by a 2-3mm stainless steel plate welded into a tube, cover the cast aluminum parts, stainless steel screws
And the tube is connected. Progressive processing product quality, reduce costs, improve production efficiency.
Quartz ore magnetic separator beneficiation operations according to demand in the industry, applications should meet some of the characteristics of the industry in order to better carry out processing operations, quartz ore magnetic separator
Equipment and technology with industry applications, according to the technical characteristics of the beneficiation process, it has a kind of industry demand, quartz ore magnetic separator as a mineral processing equipment, according to the
Processing operations to the actual needs, and its magnetic separation process should have the characteristics of what conditions do the following for you to analyze in detail the quartz ore magnetic separator technical characteristics, with the
IDM operating conditions.
Quartz ore magnetic Neodymium Motor Magnet is widely used in the chemical industry, building materials, refractory plants, power plants and other industries has a significant role, with its high efficiency, low investment, appropriate
Should be strong, simple structure, large capacity, easy to operate, easy to maintain, low grade tailings recovery of higher strengths, our customers of all ages.
Tailings eliminate the system's role is to choose to go iron sand routed away from the tail where the machinery in order to ensure the normal work of the mechanical energy. Motor through reducer,
Driven cylinder for rotary motion. Beneficiation production line is now commonly used in quartz ore magnetic separator equipment is mainly used in the re-use powdered iron removal mitochondria, etc. The device is also
It can be widely used for recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemicals, food and other plants, together for the granularity below 3mm magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore
, Ilmenite and other materials, magnetic separation, but also for coal, non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials, iron homework, it can be said that the device is the industry's most widely used high versatility
One of the models, quartz mineral ore magnetic separator strive China's rookie.
Quartz ore mining mineral separator equipment is essential for the production of equipment, the use of magnets of different magnetic materials magnetic system for sorting, Henan Yu Fasheng quartz ore production
Strong magnetic separator equipment for mineral materials adaptable, so its wide range of applications. Quartz ore magnetic separator equipment quality is every vendor can not be ignored, a
Once a quality problem, its impact and the loss is unthinkable. In any period will not relax on quartz ore magnetic separator equipment quality control and attention
Doing so is not only responsible for the majority of customers, but also on their own responsibility, socially responsible.
Quartz ore magnetic separator needs a lot of technical operating conditions, according to the actual needs of processing operations, quartz ore magnetic separator tailings flow channel division is run after overflow
Fine-grained or fine mud tailings and tailings underflow orifice then ran coarse rock gangue, suitable for roughing coarse magnetite slurry has a particle size distribution is very wide, coarse vary widely
Or the characteristics of a high clay content, Oita sorting room, high-mineral surface, multi-tail flow channel, the quartz ore magnetic separator can withstand large amounts of ore slurry volume and volatility.
limonite magnetic separator magnetic materials research breakthroughs on the continuous optimization
Permanent magnetic drum magnetic separator device can replace the application of the process, with the domestic and foreign mining companies in the automatic control technology and control technology, mining equipment manufacturing
Level of automation is also a corresponding increase, and magnetic separation equipment in the field of magnetic mineral separation hamper the accuracy requirements are also increasing. When dry magnetic separator should have enough open gear
Enough oil, while bearing suspension magnets cap hole injection, then at least once every three months have oiling, as this will ensure the life of the machine, cost savings while improving the efficiency
Both uses magnetic source is not the same, weak magnetic separation equipment to use more permanent magnets for magnetic source, mainly from the energy departure. The strong magnetic field magnetic separation equipment to use electromagnetic
Magnetic source, which is the electromagnetic field strength of the magnetic source can be designed very high, and generally low field strength of the permanent magnet, the magnetic field strength may not meet the requirement. Adoption
Permanent magnet strong magnetic separator, requires the use of new high-performance permanent magnets. With the domestic research breakthroughs magnetic, magnetic separation equipment industry as well as the traditional permanent magnetic separator
Magnetic system and the body structure of the continuous optimization, upgrade and improve, speed up the permanent magnetic separator device and gradually replace the electromagnetic suspended magnet process of magnetic separation equipment.
Always check the wear layer on the cylinder case. For loosening or breakage, timely disposal and repair, when the repair time, tailings recycling machines decapitated at this time
Of the strip and the cylinder surface should be sanded clean, and then use the glue stick firmly.
With the social development of science and technology, the emergence of high-performance permanent magnet materials, machining technology is getting more sophisticated, assembly and automation technology continues to improve control technology
Continuous improvement and promotion, combined with the practical needs of mine production, making the magnetic separation equipment upgrades further accelerated. Equipment automation technology; automation technology
Accelerate the industrial development especially in the increase in productivity, and therefore magnetic separator automation technology to meet the need to constantly reinforce the need for automated production of mining enterprises.
Under normal circumstances, it should be ready to remove the pulp of wire rod head or the like, so in order to avoid a small amount to the mine when the time, these things may be with or without
Up, then the drum skin will soon be worn or scratched on production and costs are negative. At this point if there is foreign matter on a cylinder, you can stop time by observing both ends
Hole inspection. Since large-scale magnetic separation equipment cause of the rapid development of mining and the production of construction on the increased demand for mineral resources, mining equipment manufacturing industry are not
Constantly expanding, difficult to adapt to face common equipment and gradually expand the production capacity of the mine situation, mining equipment manufacturer dedicated to the research and production of large-scale magnetic separation equipment
Updating of equipment; ensure good lubrication is the key to extend its service life. Dry magnetic separator when open gear lubricant should be sufficient,
While bearing cover hole injection, then at least once every three months, you have to grease, as this will ensure the life of the machine, saving costs while improving efficiency.
Magnetic Separator in rougher tailings slurry with a high concentration when the characteristics of understanding, under normal circumstances, it should be ready to remove the pulp of wire rod head or the like
So in order to avoid a small amount to the mine when the time, these things may not come up with, then the tube will soon be worn or scratched leather production and cost are negative. This
When the cylinder is a foreign body, you can shutdown observation hole through both ends of the inspection. Ore magnetic separator has the following six characteristics:
1, to the mine rinse water to make a slurry into a high concentration can be diluted and adequate separation, magnetic separation to make a good effect, the magnetic separator for coarse-grained magnetite coarse
Select the slurry having a high concentration feature. Magnetic separator tailings flow channel division is running fine before and after the overflow or fine mud tailings and tailings underflow orifice then ran around coarse particles
Stone dykes, suitable for roughing coarse magnetite slurry has a particle size distribution is very wide, coarse or very different characteristics of the high clay content.
2, the downstream groove, making pulp larger particle size, which does not cause heavy coarse groove plug, suitable for coarse-grained magnetite mineral rougher when coarser features.
3, because the equipment sorting drum surface field strength is high, the pulp can be given directly to the ore bucket sorting higher field strength cylinder surface area, making it difficult to be adsorbed and easy flow of the magnetic
Lost in the coarse tailings iron with the living body, the higher magnetic force can be effectively adsorbed on the surface of separation tube. 4, magnetic separator has a higher surface mine, the larger the magnetic wrap angle
Makes sorting with a long, iron magnetic minerals are adsorbed recovered fully, so magnetic material high recovery rate. Separator applications currently expanding scope and
Mineral separation degree of refinement to improve, the need to strengthen magnetic separator sorting features that make it widely used in various fields, expand the application fields. Always check on the cylinder
The wear layer situation.
5, Oita sorting room, high-mineral surface, multi-tail flow channel, so that magnetic separator can withstand large amounts of ore slurry volume and volatility.
6, for loosening or breakage, timely disposal and repair, when the repair time, tailings recycling machines at this time decapitated cylindrical surface strip and sand should be used
Paper polished clean, and then use the glue stick firmly.
Level of automation is also a corresponding increase, and magnetic separation equipment in the field of magnetic mineral separation hamper the accuracy requirements are also increasing. When dry magnetic separator should have enough open gear
Enough oil, while bearing suspension magnets cap hole injection, then at least once every three months have oiling, as this will ensure the life of the machine, cost savings while improving the efficiency
Both uses magnetic source is not the same, weak magnetic separation equipment to use more permanent magnets for magnetic source, mainly from the energy departure. The strong magnetic field magnetic separation equipment to use electromagnetic
Magnetic source, which is the electromagnetic field strength of the magnetic source can be designed very high, and generally low field strength of the permanent magnet, the magnetic field strength may not meet the requirement. Adoption
Permanent magnet strong magnetic separator, requires the use of new high-performance permanent magnets. With the domestic research breakthroughs magnetic, magnetic separation equipment industry as well as the traditional permanent magnetic separator
Magnetic system and the body structure of the continuous optimization, upgrade and improve, speed up the permanent magnetic separator device and gradually replace the electromagnetic suspended magnet process of magnetic separation equipment.
Always check the wear layer on the cylinder case. For loosening or breakage, timely disposal and repair, when the repair time, tailings recycling machines decapitated at this time
Of the strip and the cylinder surface should be sanded clean, and then use the glue stick firmly.
With the social development of science and technology, the emergence of high-performance permanent magnet materials, machining technology is getting more sophisticated, assembly and automation technology continues to improve control technology
Continuous improvement and promotion, combined with the practical needs of mine production, making the magnetic separation equipment upgrades further accelerated. Equipment automation technology; automation technology
Accelerate the industrial development especially in the increase in productivity, and therefore magnetic separator automation technology to meet the need to constantly reinforce the need for automated production of mining enterprises.
Under normal circumstances, it should be ready to remove the pulp of wire rod head or the like, so in order to avoid a small amount to the mine when the time, these things may be with or without
Up, then the drum skin will soon be worn or scratched on production and costs are negative. At this point if there is foreign matter on a cylinder, you can stop time by observing both ends
Hole inspection. Since large-scale magnetic separation equipment cause of the rapid development of mining and the production of construction on the increased demand for mineral resources, mining equipment manufacturing industry are not
Constantly expanding, difficult to adapt to face common equipment and gradually expand the production capacity of the mine situation, mining equipment manufacturer dedicated to the research and production of large-scale magnetic separation equipment
Updating of equipment; ensure good lubrication is the key to extend its service life. Dry magnetic separator when open gear lubricant should be sufficient,
While bearing cover hole injection, then at least once every three months, you have to grease, as this will ensure the life of the machine, saving costs while improving efficiency.
Magnetic Separator in rougher tailings slurry with a high concentration when the characteristics of understanding, under normal circumstances, it should be ready to remove the pulp of wire rod head or the like
So in order to avoid a small amount to the mine when the time, these things may not come up with, then the tube will soon be worn or scratched leather production and cost are negative. This
When the cylinder is a foreign body, you can shutdown observation hole through both ends of the inspection. Ore magnetic separator has the following six characteristics:
1, to the mine rinse water to make a slurry into a high concentration can be diluted and adequate separation, magnetic separation to make a good effect, the magnetic separator for coarse-grained magnetite coarse
Select the slurry having a high concentration feature. Magnetic separator tailings flow channel division is running fine before and after the overflow or fine mud tailings and tailings underflow orifice then ran around coarse particles
Stone dykes, suitable for roughing coarse magnetite slurry has a particle size distribution is very wide, coarse or very different characteristics of the high clay content.
2, the downstream groove, making pulp larger particle size, which does not cause heavy coarse groove plug, suitable for coarse-grained magnetite mineral rougher when coarser features.
3, because the equipment sorting drum surface field strength is high, the pulp can be given directly to the ore bucket sorting higher field strength cylinder surface area, making it difficult to be adsorbed and easy flow of the magnetic
Lost in the coarse tailings iron with the living body, the higher magnetic force can be effectively adsorbed on the surface of separation tube. 4, magnetic separator has a higher surface mine, the larger the magnetic wrap angle
Makes sorting with a long, iron magnetic minerals are adsorbed recovered fully, so magnetic material high recovery rate. Separator applications currently expanding scope and
Mineral separation degree of refinement to improve, the need to strengthen magnetic separator sorting features that make it widely used in various fields, expand the application fields. Always check on the cylinder
The wear layer situation.
5, Oita sorting room, high-mineral surface, multi-tail flow channel, so that magnetic separator can withstand large amounts of ore slurry volume and volatility.
6, for loosening or breakage, timely disposal and repair, when the repair time, tailings recycling machines at this time decapitated cylindrical surface strip and sand should be used
Paper polished clean, and then use the glue stick firmly.
sintered NdFeB magnets
Sintered NdFeB material with the advent of 1983, is currently the highest permanent magnetic materials, mainly as the Fd2Ne14B, can produce complex shapes, can be cutting.
NdFeB Applications
Electro-acoustic fields: Speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage audio, car audio and so on.
Electronic appliances: permanent Drawer magnets actuator vacuum circuit breakers, magnetic latching relays, power meter, water meter, meter speaker, reed pipe, sensors.
Motor areas: VCM, CDDVD-ROM, generators, motors, servo motors, micro-motors, motors, vibration motors.
Machinery and equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery.
Healthcare: MRI scanners, medical equipment, magnetic health products, magnetic fuel saver, etc..
Other industries: magnetized wax, pipe descaling, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic locks, doors and windows magnetic, magnetic bags, leather magnetic toys, magnetic tools, craft gift packaging
Al Shenzhen Co., Ltd. is a professional magnetic permanent magnets and magnetic products supplier, the main products include: sintered NdFeB magnets, with, anisotropic ferrite magnets, rubber magnets, samarium cobalt magnets and magnetic toys, magnetic devices. Products have been widely used in speakers, motors, toys, gifts, jewelry, packaging, handbags, magnetic separator and other fields. Company plant area of 3,000 square meters, engineering and technical personnel more than 30 people, with a full NdFeB magnets after processing and testing equipment, with an annual output of 500 tons of sintered NdFeB magnets. Product performance to the N35, N38, N48, N50, N35H, N38H, N40SH, N42SH, N35UH, N38UH, N40UH, N33EH, N35EH, 30AH, etc., high performance grades. Company for a variety of high-performance Grate Magnet requirements and high difficulty shaped magnet (eg trapezoidal, tile, fan, etc.) have a strong processing capacity, the technology are at the leading level. Products are exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Our expertise, quality and service has been widely recognized by domestic and foreign customers and trust.
Quality of survival, our brand is our unswerving philosophy Ayer. The company strictly follows the ISO9001 international quality system certification standards, product testing by SGS, in line with environmental protection (Rohs) requirements. Manufacture of energy saving, environmental protection, high-quality products to customers return for the benefit of mankind, is the eternal Al corporate responsibility! We will work harder to provide you with a more professional, attentive service, is committed to providing our customers with the most competitive price and high quality, high performance permanent magnetic products.
Sintered NdFeB material with the advent of 1983, is currently the highest permanent magnetic materials, mainly as the Fd2Ne14B, can produce complex shapes, can be cutting.
NdFeB Applications
Electro-acoustic fields: Speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage audio, car audio and so on.
Electronic appliances: permanent Drawer magnets actuator vacuum circuit breakers, magnetic latching relays, power meter, water meter, meter speaker, reed pipe, sensors.
Motor areas: VCM, CDDVD-ROM, generators, motors, servo motors, micro-motors, motors, vibration motors.
Machinery and equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery.
Healthcare: MRI scanners, medical equipment, magnetic health products, magnetic fuel saver, etc..
Other industries: magnetized wax, pipe descaling, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic locks, doors and windows magnetic, magnetic bags, leather magnetic toys, magnetic tools, craft gift packaging
Al Shenzhen Co., Ltd. is a professional magnetic permanent magnets and magnetic products supplier, the main products include: sintered NdFeB magnets, with, anisotropic ferrite magnets, rubber magnets, samarium cobalt magnets and magnetic toys, magnetic devices. Products have been widely used in speakers, motors, toys, gifts, jewelry, packaging, handbags, magnetic separator and other fields. Company plant area of 3,000 square meters, engineering and technical personnel more than 30 people, with a full NdFeB magnets after processing and testing equipment, with an annual output of 500 tons of sintered NdFeB magnets. Product performance to the N35, N38, N48, N50, N35H, N38H, N40SH, N42SH, N35UH, N38UH, N40UH, N33EH, N35EH, 30AH, etc., high performance grades. Company for a variety of high-performance Grate Magnet requirements and high difficulty shaped magnet (eg trapezoidal, tile, fan, etc.) have a strong processing capacity, the technology are at the leading level. Products are exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Our expertise, quality and service has been widely recognized by domestic and foreign customers and trust.
Quality of survival, our brand is our unswerving philosophy Ayer. The company strictly follows the ISO9001 international quality system certification standards, product testing by SGS, in line with environmental protection (Rohs) requirements. Manufacture of energy saving, environmental protection, high-quality products to customers return for the benefit of mankind, is the eternal Al corporate responsibility! We will work harder to provide you with a more professional, attentive service, is committed to providing our customers with the most competitive price and high quality, high performance permanent magnetic products.
magnetic Basics
Magnetic materials is an important foundation for the electronics industry functional materials, widely used in computers, electronics, communications, automotive and aerospace industries and household appliances, children's toys and other daily necessities, as the world economy and the rapid development of science and technology, unprecedented demand for magnetic broad. The development of China's current magnetic ranks first in the world, has become the world's largest permanent magnet material production in the country.
Functional devices used in the magnetic sweeper manufacture of magnetic material called magnetic materials. The classification are: permanent magnet material (also called hard magnetic material), soft magnetic materials, semi-hard magnetic materials, magnetostrictive materials, magnetic thin film, magnetic fluid, etc., they are collectively referred to as functional magnetic material.
Permanent (hard) magnetic materials and soft magnetic materials
Magnetic materials, also known as hard magnetic material when the magnetic field is removed, the material still having magnetism; soft magnetic material when the magnetic field is present, a high magnetic flux density, when the magnetic field removed, the loss of the magnetic materials. This does not refer to a hard and soft on the mechanical properties of the hard and soft, but rather on the magnetic properties of the hard and soft. After literally means applied magnetic magnetized magnetic material to be able to retain their ferromagnetic long (short magnetic), characterized in that the high coercive force. Coercivity magnetic material magnetized later that a residual magnetism after demagnetization (residual magnetic flux density and residual magnetization) of the magnetic field strength is reduced to zero. The soft magnetic material is both easy magnetization of magnetic field, and easy to demagnetization, the low coercivity magnetic material. Refers to the applied magnetic field demagnetization (referred to as magnetic field) after magnetizing the magnetic material, combined with the Drawer magnets of the magnetic field in the opposite direction to decrease the magnetic field.
Bonded permanent
Bonded permanent plasticity refers to the binder material is a blend of the permanent magnetic powder to plastic powder, through a variety of plastic materials molding process to obtain a composite magnetic body. In the whole process of forming the adhesive physical changes occur, with the powder particles together and made of magnet is called a bonded magnet.
Sintered Magnet
Application of powder metallurgy, materials made of powder will burn, molding made of rough, then made of sintered magnets.
Neodymium iron boron (NdFeB)
Is a new kind of magnetic material NdFeB ternary intermetallic compounds, is all magnetic materials magnetic energy per unit volume contains the largest of a permanent magnet material. Made of NdFeB bonded magnet powder with this the magnets can be strong, temperature stable performance, high precision forming of complex shapes without the need for post-processing of parts, and has good corrosion resistance and good toughness, widely used in computer disk drives voice coil motor (VCM), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment and a variety of audio-visual equipment, microwave communications, magnetic machine (magnetic pump, magnetic valve), household appliances and maglev trains and other fields.
Ferrite is iron oxide (Fe2O3) based oxides of other elements reaction of a ferrous compound.
Calcined ferrite material
Iron oxide red (or iron scale) and strontium or barium carbonate and a small amount of materials, according to a composition ratio after mixing, at a certain temperature below the sintering atmosphere, through a raw material in the solid phase reaction between MO6Fe2O3 (where M as Sr, Ba) ferrite.
Ferrite Materials
Ferrite material is strontium ferrite and barium ferrite, ingredients SrFe12O19 and BaFe12O19. Has a magnetic quality, high cost performance, good stability, is the world's largest amount of magnetic functional materials. Widely used in permanent magnet motors, speakers, and magnetic retention, electronic deflection, etc., including automotive, communications, audio, video recorders, televisions, radios, microwave ovens, refrigerators, magnetic separation equipment, medical equipment, computer peripherals, office automation equipment, children's toys, and many other fields.
Isotropic and anisotropic materials
Permanent magnet materials based on single-domain grain orientation were divided into: isotropic material, rough shape when single-domain grains are disordered; anisotropic materials, grain rough shape when under the effect of the orientation field arrangement is orderly.
Magnetic Recording
The basic principle is that the magnetic field into electrical signals input to the recording head to the coil, so that the gap at the head produce a corresponding change in the magnetic field, if this magnetic recording medium having a magnetic tape at a constant speed immediately adjacent to the head through gap, the magnetic field must be the change magnetization hysteresis and will remain as the input signal corresponding to the track, which is a simple recording process. Conversely, if the magnetic tape after a certain speed is achieved by the reproducing head gap, the magnetic head coil will induce a change in the track corresponding to the electrical signal is amplified and then converted to the original input signal, which is magnetic read out the regeneration process.
Nano-magnetic materials
A nanometer is 10-9 meters middleweight, will nanoscale magnetic material powder whose performance has changed fundamentally, the main applications are: nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials, permanent magnetic materials and soft magnetic materials by mixing powder then After processing, the permanent magnet material can be very high magnetic properties. Also made of powder particles of the material to achieve sub-micron level, with Chengchou structure, excellent performance can be obtained permanent magnet. It can increase the production of magnetic recording materials than dry sound, improving image quality; made of magnetic liquid is a very good sealing material. In addition, you can use magnetic nanomaterials as anticancer drugs magnetic carrier; cell separation medium magnetic materials; copier toner and magnetic ink and magnetic printing.
Functional devices used in the magnetic sweeper manufacture of magnetic material called magnetic materials. The classification are: permanent magnet material (also called hard magnetic material), soft magnetic materials, semi-hard magnetic materials, magnetostrictive materials, magnetic thin film, magnetic fluid, etc., they are collectively referred to as functional magnetic material.
Permanent (hard) magnetic materials and soft magnetic materials
Magnetic materials, also known as hard magnetic material when the magnetic field is removed, the material still having magnetism; soft magnetic material when the magnetic field is present, a high magnetic flux density, when the magnetic field removed, the loss of the magnetic materials. This does not refer to a hard and soft on the mechanical properties of the hard and soft, but rather on the magnetic properties of the hard and soft. After literally means applied magnetic magnetized magnetic material to be able to retain their ferromagnetic long (short magnetic), characterized in that the high coercive force. Coercivity magnetic material magnetized later that a residual magnetism after demagnetization (residual magnetic flux density and residual magnetization) of the magnetic field strength is reduced to zero. The soft magnetic material is both easy magnetization of magnetic field, and easy to demagnetization, the low coercivity magnetic material. Refers to the applied magnetic field demagnetization (referred to as magnetic field) after magnetizing the magnetic material, combined with the Drawer magnets of the magnetic field in the opposite direction to decrease the magnetic field.
Bonded permanent
Bonded permanent plasticity refers to the binder material is a blend of the permanent magnetic powder to plastic powder, through a variety of plastic materials molding process to obtain a composite magnetic body. In the whole process of forming the adhesive physical changes occur, with the powder particles together and made of magnet is called a bonded magnet.
Sintered Magnet
Application of powder metallurgy, materials made of powder will burn, molding made of rough, then made of sintered magnets.
Neodymium iron boron (NdFeB)
Is a new kind of magnetic material NdFeB ternary intermetallic compounds, is all magnetic materials magnetic energy per unit volume contains the largest of a permanent magnet material. Made of NdFeB bonded magnet powder with this the magnets can be strong, temperature stable performance, high precision forming of complex shapes without the need for post-processing of parts, and has good corrosion resistance and good toughness, widely used in computer disk drives voice coil motor (VCM), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment and a variety of audio-visual equipment, microwave communications, magnetic machine (magnetic pump, magnetic valve), household appliances and maglev trains and other fields.
Ferrite is iron oxide (Fe2O3) based oxides of other elements reaction of a ferrous compound.
Calcined ferrite material
Iron oxide red (or iron scale) and strontium or barium carbonate and a small amount of materials, according to a composition ratio after mixing, at a certain temperature below the sintering atmosphere, through a raw material in the solid phase reaction between MO6Fe2O3 (where M as Sr, Ba) ferrite.
Ferrite Materials
Ferrite material is strontium ferrite and barium ferrite, ingredients SrFe12O19 and BaFe12O19. Has a magnetic quality, high cost performance, good stability, is the world's largest amount of magnetic functional materials. Widely used in permanent magnet motors, speakers, and magnetic retention, electronic deflection, etc., including automotive, communications, audio, video recorders, televisions, radios, microwave ovens, refrigerators, magnetic separation equipment, medical equipment, computer peripherals, office automation equipment, children's toys, and many other fields.
Isotropic and anisotropic materials
Permanent magnet materials based on single-domain grain orientation were divided into: isotropic material, rough shape when single-domain grains are disordered; anisotropic materials, grain rough shape when under the effect of the orientation field arrangement is orderly.
Magnetic Recording
The basic principle is that the magnetic field into electrical signals input to the recording head to the coil, so that the gap at the head produce a corresponding change in the magnetic field, if this magnetic recording medium having a magnetic tape at a constant speed immediately adjacent to the head through gap, the magnetic field must be the change magnetization hysteresis and will remain as the input signal corresponding to the track, which is a simple recording process. Conversely, if the magnetic tape after a certain speed is achieved by the reproducing head gap, the magnetic head coil will induce a change in the track corresponding to the electrical signal is amplified and then converted to the original input signal, which is magnetic read out the regeneration process.
Nano-magnetic materials
A nanometer is 10-9 meters middleweight, will nanoscale magnetic material powder whose performance has changed fundamentally, the main applications are: nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials, permanent magnetic materials and soft magnetic materials by mixing powder then After processing, the permanent magnet material can be very high magnetic properties. Also made of powder particles of the material to achieve sub-micron level, with Chengchou structure, excellent performance can be obtained permanent magnet. It can increase the production of magnetic recording materials than dry sound, improving image quality; made of magnetic liquid is a very good sealing material. In addition, you can use magnetic nanomaterials as anticancer drugs magnetic carrier; cell separation medium magnetic materials; copier toner and magnetic ink and magnetic printing.
the electromagnet is characterized by what
the electromagnet is characterized by what
Electromagnet has many advantages: you can use the presence or absence of magnetic solenoid off through current control; magnetic size can use the current strength or coil turns to control; also change the resistor to control the size of magnetic control current drum separator size; it The pole can be controlled to change the direction of the current, and so on. Namely: the strength of the magnetic can be changed to control the presence or absence of magnetism, the magnetic pole direction can be changed, the current may be due to the disappearance of the magnetic disappear.
Electromagnet has many advantages: you can use the presence or absence of magnetic solenoid off through current control; magnetic size can use the current strength or coil turns to control; also change the resistor to control the size of magnetic control current drum separator size; it The pole can be controlled to change the direction of the current, and so on. Namely: the strength of the magnetic can be changed to control the presence or absence of magnetism, the magnetic pole direction can be changed, the current may be due to the disappearance of the magnetic disappear.
he electromagnet works
Solenoid is energized to produce a magnetic, like a magnet can be adsorbed ferrous objects. Electromagnet can be applied to a variety of areas, such as large amusement equipment, automotive, aerospace, industrial, and other undertakings. Common applications such as solenoid: punch the time clock at work, the supermarket cash register, Drawer magnets enter the number of units of automatic doors. These electromagnets by the magnetic field energy is converted, and then the magnetic force generated by the magnetic field acting on the center of the electromagnet core, the core movements. The main application is the core of the electromagnet forces generated by movement. This can be done a few grams minimum force tens of grams, in theory, can do infinitely large, basically able to do almost a hundred kilograms. The magnetic effect of the current is the current that the magnetic field around the. The electromagnet is energized, the current through the coil generates a magnetic field, the magnetic field generated in the core operation.
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