Vanadium-titanium magnetite ore belong to the late magmatic segregation deposits of ore. This type of ore on the
nature of the ore particle size embedded the bout and mineral magnetic, magnetic separation easier to handle object.
Already has a certain scale of production in our country and abroad, and there is a larger vision of development.magnetic hooks In
addition to containing magnetite ore multi useful elements associated with ilmenite and nickel vanadium drill. Gangue
minerals gabbro.
Panxi region in China Panzhihua metallurgical and mining company with a magnetic separation sorting
vanadium-titanium magnetite period of closed-circuit grinding and two-stage magnetic separation a sweeping
magnetic separation process in addition to recovering iron, and also in conjunction with other processing methods,
comprehensive recovery of titanium minerals and vanadium, cobalt and nickel minerals.cylinder magnets
Magnetic separation based magnetite ore in the production practice, often in combination with other
processing methods, used contains a composite of magnetite ore, the magnetic hematite iron ore and iron ore
